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Video layouts for composed archives and live streaming broadcasts

There are a number of predefined layout types that you can use with composed archives and live streaming broadcasts. You can also use CSS to define custom layouts.

These layout options apply to composed archives (not individual archives) and live streaming broadcasts (not interactive broadcasts):

You can assign layout classes to OpenTok streams to affect how they are displayed in an archive or broadcast's layout.

This page includes the following sections:

Predefined layout types

There are four predefined layout types available: best fit, picture-in-picture, vertical presentation, and horizontal presentation.

Best Fit

This is the default initial layout type.

This is a tiled layout, which scales according to the number of videos. The number of columns and rows of varies depending on the number of OpenTok streams in the broadcast. For example, the following illustrates the layout when there are 1, 2, 4, or 5 streams in a session:

Layout classes on these streams will have no effect on the layout. Each position in the list will be translated to a position in the grid.

This layout supports up to 16 OpenTok streams (in a grid).

Streams are included in the layout based on stream prioritization rules.

To choose this layout, set the the type property to "bestFit":


This is a picture-in-picture layout, where a small stream is visible over a full-size stream.

C = corner

Set the layout class of the full-size stream to "full". (See Assigning layout classes to OpenTok streams.) The first stream without this class occupies the corner position. If more than two streams are present in the archive or broadcast, only the first two streams will be visible in the output.

To choose this layout, set the type property to "pip":

Vertical Presentation

This is a layout with one large stream on the right edge of the output, and several smaller streams along the left edge of the output.

Set the layout class of the focus stream to "focus". (See Assigning layout classes to OpenTok streams.) The streams without the focus class will occupy the left edge and divide the space evenly.

For landscape orientation videos (640x480, 1280x720, 1920x1080), this layout supports 1 focus stream and up to 5 other streams (or up to 7 for 1920x1080 videos). For portrait orientation videos (480x640, 720x1280, and 1080x1920), this layout supports 1 focus stream and up to 8 other streams (or 10 other streams for 1080x1920).

To choose this layout, set the type property to "verticalPresentation":

Horizontal Presentation

This is a layout with one large stream on the top edge of the output, and several smaller streams along the bottom edge of the output.

There is one layout class used to specify the position of streams in this layout: focus. (See Assigning layout classes to OpenTok streams) The streams without this class will occupy the bottom edge and divide the space evenly. The positions can be visualized as the following:

For landscape orientation videos (640x480, 1280x720, and 1920x1080), this layout supports 1 focus stream and up to 5 other streams (or up to 7 for 1920x1080 videos). For portrait orientation videos (480x640, 720x1280, and 1080x1920), this layout supports 1 focus stream and up to 3 other streams.

To choose this layout, set the the type property to "horizontalPresentation":

Assigning layout classes to OpenTok streams

When using a layout type other than the default Best Fit, you must set the layout class for the OpenTok streams to use, based on the layout type:

Setting the initial layout class list for a client's streams

When you create a token for a client to connect to the OpenTok session, you can (optionally) specify the initial layout class list for streams published by the client. To do this, generate a token that includes the initial layout class list setting. The following examples use the OpenTok Java, Node, PHP, Python, Ruby, and .NET SDKs.


import com.opentok.OpenTok;
import com.opentok.TokenOptions;

OpenTok opentok = new OpenTok(apiKey, apiSecret)
List<String> classList = List.of("focus", "bar", "inactive");
String token = session.generateToken(new TokenOptions.Builder()


var OpenTok = require('opentok'),
    opentok = new OpenTok(apiKey, apiSecret);

opentok.createSession({mediaMode:"routed"}, function(err, session) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);

  token = session.generateToken({
    expireTime : (new Date().getTime() / 1000)+(7 * 24 * 60 * 60), // in one week
    data :       'name=Johnny',
    initialLayoutClassList : ['focus', 'inactive']


use OpenTok\Session;
use OpenTok\Role;

$token = $opentok->generateToken($sessionId);

$token = $session->generateToken(array(
    'initialLayoutClassList' => array('focus')


from opentok import OpenTok
from opentok import MediaModes
from opentok import Roles

opentok = OpenTok(api_key, api_secret)
session = opentok.create_session(media_mode=MediaModes.routed)
token = session.generate_token(expire_time=int(time.time()) + 10,


opentok = api_key, api_secret

session = opentok.create_session :media_mode => :routed
token = session.generate_token({
    :role                      => :moderator
    :expire_time               => * 24 * 60 * 60) # in one week
    :data                      => 'name=Johnny',
    :initial_layout_class_list => ['focus', 'inactive']


List< string >  initialLayoutClassList = new List<string>()
string token = session.GenerateToken(initialLayoutClassList: initialLayoutClassList);

Modifying the layout class list for a stream

You can dynamically change the layout class list for a stream by calling the OpenTok /session/{sessionId}/stream REST API. Make a PUT request to the following URL:{apiKey}/session/{sessionId}/stream

Set the Content-Type to "application/json" and include the layout class list as a property of the JSON data in the PUT request:

  "items": [
      "id": "8b732909-0a06-46a2-8ea8-074e64d43422",
      "layoutClassList": ["full"]

The id property is the stream ID. Note that you can update the layout class list for multiple streams by passing in multiple JSON objects in the items array.

The request returns a 400 response code if you specify an invalid layoutClassList value. The value must be an array of strings.

You can also modify the layout class list for a stream using the OpenTok server SDKs:

Getting the layout class list for a stream

You can get the layout class list for a stream by calling the OpenTok /session/{sessionId}/stream/{streamId} REST API. Make a GET request to the following URL:{apiKey}/session/{sessionId}/stream/{streamId}

The response includes JSON data, which includes a layoutClassList array:

  "id": "8b732909-0a06-46a2-8ea8-074e64d43422",
  "videoType": "camera",
  "name": "",
  "layoutClassList": ["full"]

The request returns a 408 error response code if you specify an invalid stream ID.

You can also get the layout class list for a stream using the OpenTok server SDKs:

Getting the layout class list for multiple streams

You can get the layout class list for all streams in a session by calling the /session/{sessionId}/stream REST API. Make a GET request to the following URL:{apiKey}/session/{sessionId}/stream/

The response includes JSON data, which includes an items property, which is array containing layout information for streams in the session:

  "count": 2
  "items": [
      "id": "8b732909-0a06-46a2-8ea8-074e64d43422",
      "videoType": "camera",
      "name": "",
      "layoutClassList": ["full"]

Layout types for screen sharing

You can specify a layout type to use when there is a screen-sharing stream live in the session.

You can set this screen-sharing layout type (screenshareType) to one of the following layout types:

When there is a screen-sharing stream live in the session, the archive or broadcast uses the screen-sharing layout type you specify. When there is no screen-sharing video in the session, the archive or broadcast uses the best fit layout. (When you specify a screenshareType, you must set the main layout type to bestFit.

Stream prioritization rules

Composed archives and live streaming broadcasts can include up to 16 video streams at a time. The layout composer uses the following rules to determine the prioritization of which video streams are included in the archive or broadcast, and to determine how the streams will be ordered and added to the virtual DOM.

Streams are categorized into two tiers:

The stream prioritization is determined:

The video streams included in the composed archive or broadcast are chosen based on their prioritization. The streams will always be ordered according to these rules. As long as there are two or more streams, they will be added to the virtual DOM based on this order.

When a client stops streaming video, it is removed from the composed video. When it resumes streaming video, it is added back to the composed video if it is prioritized higher than other clients (based on these prioritization rules). Composed videos can include up to 16 client video streams.

If a composed archive or broadcast reaches the maximum capacity for included streams and a client publishing an included stream disconnects, space is freed up for a new stream. The next highest priority video stream will be included and rendered.


  • These stream prioritization rules apply regardless of whether the streamMode of the archive or broadcast is set to "auto" or "manual". See [Selecting streams to be included in composed archives](/developer/guides/broadcast/live-streaming#selecting-streams-to-be-included-in-live-streaming-broadcasts) and [Selecting streams to be included in live streaming broadcasts](/developer/guides/broadcast/live-streaming#selecting-streams-to-be-included-in-live-streaming-broadcasts)
  • Composed archives and live streaming broadcasts can include up to 50 audio streams. The first 50 published streams that include audio are mixed into the output audio for the archive or broadcast.

Defining custom layouts

In addition to the predefined layouts, you can use CSS to define your own custom layout for composed archives and live streaming broadcasts.

To use a custom layout, set the type property for the layout to "custom" and set an additional property, stylesheet, which is set to the CSS:

CSS used in the stylesheet property of the layout resource will apply to a virtual DOM, which can be described in the following format:

Note: By default, the composed archive or broadcast resolution is 640x480 pixels (SD landscape). You can also set a composed archive or broadcast to use a 480x640 (SD portrait), 1280x720 (HD landscape), 720x1280 (HD portrait), 1920x1080 (FHD landscape), or 1080x1920 (FHD portrait) resolution when you call the start archive or the start broadcast method of the OpenTok REST API. 640x480-pixel and 480x640-pixel (SD) archives have 4:3 and 3:4 aspect ratios. 1280x720-pixel, 720x1280-pixel, 1920x1080-pixel, and 1080x1920-pixel (HD and FHD) archives have 16:9 and 9:16 aspect ratios. Keep these aspect ratios in mind when defining the CSS for a custom layout.


The following default rules are applied to the <archive> element:

archive {
  position: relative;
  width: 640px;
  overflow: hidden;

Similarly, the following default rules are applied to the <broadcast> element:

broadcast {
  position: relative;
  width: 640px;
  overflow: hidden;

The default dimensions are 640x480 pixels (SD landscape). You can also set a composed archive or broadcast to use a 480x640 (SD portrait), 1280x720 (HD landscape), 720x1280 (HD portrait), 1920x1080 (FHD landscape), or 1080x1920 (FHD portrait) resolution when you call the start archive or start broadcast method of the OpenTok REST API.

The following default rules are applied to <stream> elements:

stream {
  display: block;
  margin: 0;

*Note:* The container resolution is fixed and cannot be overridden by CSS.


The following CSS selectors are supported:

The following pseudo-class selectors are supported:

The following CSS selectors are not supported:


The following table describes the supported CSS properties and their possible values:

Name Value
width, height positive number ( px/ %)
min-width, min-height positive number ( px/ %)
max-width, max-height] positive number ( px/ %)
left, right, top, bottom number ( px/ %)
margin, margin-left, margin-right,
margin-top, margin-bottom
number ( px/ %)
z-index positive number
position 'relative', 'absolute'
display 'inline', 'block', 'inline-block'
float 'none', 'left', 'right'
object-fit 'contain' (the default), 'cover'
overflow 'hidden'
clear 'none', 'left', 'right',
'both', 'initial', 'inherit'
Sample CSS

The following CSS arranges two streams with class names main and lower-left:

stream.main {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  z-index: 100;
stream.lower-left {
  position: absolute;
  left: 10%;
  bottom: 10%;
  width: 20%;
  height: 20%;
  z-index: 200;

The following CSS is based on the best fit predefined layout:

stream {
  float: left;
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(1) {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

stream:first-child:nth-last-child(2) ~ stream {
  width: 50%;
  height: 100%;
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(3) ~ stream,
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(4) ~ stream {
  width: 50%;
  height: 50%;
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(5) ~ stream,
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(6) ~ stream,
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(7) ~ stream,
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(8) ~ stream,
stream:first-child:nth-last-child(9) ~ stream
  width: 33.33%;
  height: 33.33%;

The following CSS is based on the horizontal presentation predefined layout:

stream {
  margin-top: 60%;
  width: 20%;
  height: 20%;
stream.focus {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin-top: 0px;
  height: 80%;
  width: 100%;

The following CSS is based on the vertical presentation predefined layout:

stream {
  float: left;
  left: 0px;
  clear: left;
  width: 20%;
  height: 20%;
stream.focus {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin: 0px;
  left: 20%;
  height: 100%;
  width: 80%;

The following CSS is based on the picture-in-picture predefined layout:

stream.full {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  z-index: 100;
stream {
  position: absolute;
  right: 10%;
  top: 10%;
  width: 20%;
  height: 20%;
  z-index: 200;

Note: The CSS used by the predefined layouts are subject to change.
