When you connect to a session with a token that includes moderator privileges, you can orce other clients to mute their audio:
When you connect to a session with
a token that includes moderator privileges, you can force other clients to mute their audio.
The ability to force mute streams is reserved for clients that are connected with a token that
has been assigned the moderator role. Once you have connected to a session, you can check
if the client can moderate by calling the otc_session_get_capabilities()
passing in the otc_session instance. This function returns an otc_session_capabilities instance.
Check the force_mute
of the otc_session_capabilities instance:
if (otc_session_get_capabilities(session).force_mute) {
// The client can forceMute. See the next section.
} else {
// The client cannot moderate.
Moderators can force all clients or a publisher of a specific stream to mute their published audio.
To force a publisher of a specific stream to mute its audio, call the otc_session_force_mute_stream()
function, passing a pointer to the otc_session instance and a the stream ID string for the stream to be muted.
This function takes the following parameters:
— A pointer to the otc_session instance.
— A pointer to the stream ID string for the stream to be muted.
The function returns an otc_status instance indicating either error or success.
success = otc_session_force_mute_stream(session, stream_id);
if (success != OTC_SUCCESS) {
printf("Could not force mute successfully.");
Moderators can also force all streams (except for an optional array of streams) in a session to mute published audio.
Call the otc_session_force_mute_all()
function. This function takes the following parameters:
— A pointer to the otc_session instance.
— A pointer to an array of stream IDs for streams
you want to exclude from muting. If this parameter is set to nullptr, all the streams will be muted
(including those published by the local client).
— The length of the excluded stream array.
The function returns an otc_status instance indicating either error or success:
success = otc_session_force_mute_all(session, streams, stream_count);
if (success != OTC_SUCCESS) {
printf("Could not force mute successfully.");
A stream published by the moderator calling the otc_session_force_mute_all()
is muted along with other streams in the session, unless you add the moderator's stream (or streams) to
the excluded streams array.
If the excluded_streams_len
parameter is set to 0, all streams in the session
(including those of the moderator) will stop publishing audio.
success = otc_session_force_mute_all(session, nullptr, 0);
if (success != OTC_SUCCESS) {
printf("Could not force mute successfully.");
Also, any streams that are published after the call to the
function are published with audio muted.
You can remove the mute state of a session by calling the
otc_session_disable_force_mute(otc_session *session)()
success = otc_session_disable_force_mute(session);
if (success != OTC_SUCCESS) {
printf("Could not force mute successfully.");
After you call the otc_session_disable_force_mute()
function, new streams published
to the session will no longer have audio muted.
You can get references to otc_stream
instances when the
callback function of the
instance is called. The callback includes a pointer to
the otc_stream
struct representing a stream. Call the otc_stream_get_id()
function (passing in the pointer to an otc_stream
instance) to get the stream ID.
Detecting streams in a session.
You can also get an otc_stream
instance representing a publisher's stream by calling the
function, passing in the otc_publisher
You can also get an otc_stream
instance representing a subscriber's stream by calling the
function, passing in the otc_subscriber
When the stream is muted as a result of one of these functions (or from a
force mute stream call in another client SDK),
the on_mute_forced()
callback function of the otc_publisher_callbacks
is called in each client publishing a muted stream.
Similarly, in response to a call to the otc_session_force_mute_all()
function (or to a
force mute all call in another client SDK),
the on_mute_forced()
callback function of the otc_session_callbacks
in each client connected to the session.
and the active
property of the otc_on_mute_forced_info
struct passed into the
function is set to true
And in response to a call to the otc_session_disable_force_mute()
function (or to a
disable force mute call in another client SDK),
the on_mute_forced()
callback function of the otc_publisher_callbacks
is called in each client connected to the session, and the active
property of the
struct passed in set to false