The OpenTok.js library includes the following classes. Use the OT.initSession() method to initialize an OpenTok session and get started.
Class | Description |
ArchiveEvent | Defines event objects for the archiveStarted and
archiveStopped events. |
AudioInputDeviceChanged | Dispatched by a Publisher object when the audio input device changes. |
AudioInputDeviceChangedEvent | Dispatched periodically by a Subscriber or Publisher object to indicate the audio level |
Capabilities | Defines the capabilities property of the Session class. |
CaptionReceivedEvent | Defines an event object for the captionReceived event dispatched by the Subscriber object. |
Connection | Represents a connection to an OpenTok session. |
ConnectionEvent | Dispatched by the Session object when a client connects to or disconnects from a session. |
CpuPerformanceChanged | Dispatched by the Session object when the CPU performance state has changed. |
Error | Define error objects passed into completion handlers. |
Event | Defines the basic OpenTok event object that is passed to event listeners. |
ExceptionEvent | Dispatched by the OT object when the OpenTok API encounters an exception. |
MediaStoppedEvent | Dispatched by a Publisher when the user has stopped sharing one or all media types (video, audio, or screen). |
MuteForcedEvent | Dispatched by a Publisher when its audio is muted by a moderator. |
OT | Use the OT object to initialize OpenTok Session and Publisher objects, set up error logging, and set up exception event handling. |
Publisher | Provides the mechanism through which control of the published stream is accomplished. |
Session | Represents an OpenTok session and provides access to much of the OpenTok functionality. |
SessionConnectEvent | Dispatched by the Session object on the connecting page when the session has successfully connected. |
SessionDisconnectEvent | Dispatched by the Session object when a session has disconnected. |
SignalEvent | Dispatched by the Session object when the client receives a signal from the session. |
Stream | Provides information about an audio-video stream. |
StreamEvent | The Session object dispatches StreamEvent events when a session has a stream created or destroyed. |
StreamPropertyChangedEvent | The Session object dispatches StreamPropertyChangedEvent events when a publisher starts or stops publishing audio or video. |
Subscriber | Provides the mechanism through which control of a subscribed stream is accomplished. |
VideoElementCreatedEvent | Dispatched by a Subscriber or Publisher object to indicate the video element
(or object element in Internet Explorer) was created. |
VideoEnabledChangedEvent | Defines the event object for the videoDisabled and videoEnabled events dispatched by the Subscriber |