This tutorial walks through the steps required to make minor modifications to the video renderer used by an OTPublisher object. You can also use the same techniques to modify the video renderer used by an OTSubscriber object (though this example only illustrates a custom renderer for a publisher).
The code for this section is in the Basic Video Renderer project of the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo, so if you haven't already, you'll need to clone the repo into a local directory — this can be done using the command line:
git clone
Change directory to the Basic Video Renderer project:
cd opentok-ios-sdk-samples/Basic-Video-Renderer
Then install the OpenTok dependency:
pod install
Open the project in Xcode to follow along.
In this example, the app uses a custom video renderer to display a black-and-white version of the OTPublisher object's video.
In the main ViewController, after initializing the OTPublisher object, the videoRender
of the OTPublisher object is set to an instance of OTKBasicVideoRender:
_publisher = [[OTPublisher alloc] initWithDelegate:self settings:settings];
_renderer = [[OTKBasicVideoRender alloc] init];
_publisher.videoRender = _renderer;
OTKBasicVideoRender is a custom class that implements the OTVideoRender protocol (defined in the OpenTok iOS SDK). This protocol lets you define a custom video renderer to be used by an OpenTok publisher or subscriber.
The [OTKBasicVideoRender init:]
method sets a _renderView
property to a UIView object. This is
the UIView object that will contain the view to be rendered (by the publisher or subscriber).
In this sample, the UIView object is defined by the custom OTKCustomRenderView class, which
extends UIView:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_renderView = [[OTKCustomRenderView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
return self;
The OTKCustomRenderView class includes methods (discussed later) that convert a video frame to a black-and-white representation.
The [OTVideoRender renderVideoFrame:] method is called when the publisher (or subscriber) renders
a video frame to the video renderer. The frame an OTVideoFrame object (defined by the OpenTok iOS
SDK). In the OTKCustomRenderView implementation of this method, it simply takes the frame and
passes it along to the [renderVideoFrame]
method of the OTKCustomRenderView object:
- (void)renderVideoFrame:(OTVideoFrame*) frame
[(OTKCustomRenderView*)self.renderView renderVideoFrame:frame];
The [OTKCustomRenderView renderVideoFrame]
method iterates through the pixels in the plane,
adjusts each pixel to a black-and-white value, adds the value to a buffer. It then writes
the buffer to a CGImageRef representing the view's image, and calls [self setNeedsDisplay]
render the image view:
- (void)renderVideoFrame:(OTVideoFrame *)frame
__block OTVideoFrame *frameToRender = frame;
dispatch_sync(self.renderQueue, ^{
if (_img != NULL) {
_img = NULL;
size_t bufferSize = frameToRender.format.imageHeight
* frameToRender.format.imageWidth * 3;
uint8_t *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
uint8_t *yplane = [frameToRender.planes pointerAtIndex:0];
for (int i = 0; i < frameToRender.format.imageHeight; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < frameToRender.format.imageWidth; j++) {
int starting = (i * frameToRender.format.imageWidth * 3) + (j * 3);
uint8_t yvalue = yplane[(i * frameToRender.format.imageWidth) + j];
// If in a RGB image we copy the same Y value for R, G and B
// we will obtain a Black & White image
buffer[starting] = yvalue;
buffer[starting+1] = yvalue;
buffer[starting+2] = yvalue;
CGDataProviderRef imgProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL,
_img = CGImageCreate(frameToRender.format.imageWidth,
3 * frameToRender.format.imageWidth,
kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big | kCGImageAlphaNone,
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self setNeedsDisplay];
Congratulations! You've finished the Custom Video Rendering Tutorial for iOS.
You can continue to play with and adjust the code you've developed here, or check out the Next Steps below.
When you're finished here, continue building and enhancing your OpenTok application with these helpful resources: