Vonage Video Express is a JavaScript library to quickly create a multiparty video conference web application. It works on top of the Vonage Video API for JavaScript.
Important notes:
Before using Video Express, be sure to activate the Video Express add-on for your account.
Vonage Video Express 1.0 currently supports 25 simultaneous participants in a room. If you add more than 25 people in a session, you will need to ensure that participants’ network and hardware performance is sufficient.
Installation using the npm
$ npm i --save @vonage/video-express
We can also use a script tag in the <head>
section of the HTML page, to include
Vonage Video Express in our application
<script src="https://static.opentok.com/v1/js/video-express.js"></script>
For a quick start, copy the video-express-styles.css file and include it in your head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/video-express-styles.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
element within the body
section. This will be the room container. The SDK
will append all of its DOM components within this container:<body>
<div id="roomContainer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
const room = new VideoExpress.Room({
apiKey: '', // add your OpenTok API key
sessionId: '', // add your OpenTok Session ID
token: '', // add your OpenTok token
roomContainer: 'roomContainer',
See the OpenTok developer guides on Session Creation and Token Creation.
See the Video Express API reference and developer guide.
And see these sample apps on GitHub:
video-express-react-app — A multi-party video app with Video Express and Create React App. In addition to features provided by Video Express, the app includes room and participant name selection, archiving (recording), and more.
Vonage Video Express iOS and Android demo — an app that uses Video Express in web views (such as WKWebView in iOS and WebView in Android) for mobile apps.