Here are the properties of the high-level VideoExpress object with brief descriptions:
Name | Description |
CameraPublisher | Provides the mechanism for controlling the local video stream. |
CameraSubscriber | Provides access to the participant’s camera video. |
getActiveAudioOutputDevice() | Returns a Promise that resolves the current audio output device. |
getAudioOutputDevices() | Returns a promise that resolves the audio output devices (such as speakers) available to the browser. |
getDevices() | Returns an array of objects corresponding to available microphones and cameras. |
hasEndToEndEncryptionSupport() | Checks whether the client supports end-to-end encryption. |
hasMediaProcessorSupport() | Checks whether the client supports media processors, like video filters. |
LocalParticipant | Represents the local user in the room. |
Participant | Represents a remote user connected to the room. It provides access to its camera and screen subscriber objects. |
PreviewPublisher | Used to preview media functionality. |
Room | Represents the video call and provides access to much of the VideoExpress functionality. |
ScreenPublisher | Provides the mechanism for controlling the local screen stream. |
ScreenSubscriber | Provides access to the participant’s screen video. |
setAudioOutputDevice() | Sets the new audio output device. |
setProxyUrl() | Sets the URL of the IP proxy server. |
version | This property returns the current version of Vonage Video Express. |
See the Video Express developer guide for more details.