
in package

Represents a broadcast of an OpenTok session.

Table of Contents

$broadcastUrls  : object
$createdAt  : int
$id  : string
$isDvr  : bool
$isHls  : bool
$isLowLatency  : bool
$isStopped  : bool
$multiBroadcastTag  : string
$partnerId  : string
$resolution  : string
$sessionId  : string
$streamMode  : string
$updatedAt  : int
__construct()  : mixed
addStreamToBroadcast()  : bool
Adds a stream to a currently running broadcast that was started with the the streamMode set to StreamMode.Manual. You can call the method repeatedly with the same stream ID, to toggle the stream's audio or video in the broadcast.
jsonSerialize()  : mixed
removeStreamFromBroadcast()  : bool
Removes a stream from a currently running broadcast that was started with the the streamMode set to StreamMode.Manual.
stop()  : mixed
Stops the broadcast.
updateLayout()  : mixed
Updates the layout of the broadcast.



public object $broadcastUrls

Details on the HLS and RTMP broadcast streams. For an HLS stream, the URL is provided. See the OpenTok live streaming developer guide for more information on how to use this URL. For each RTMP stream, the RTMP server URL and stream name are provided, along with the RTMP stream's status.


public int $createdAt

The timestamp when the broadcast was created, expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch.


public string $id

The unique ID for the broadcast.


public bool $isDvr

Whether the broadcast supports DVR functionality for the HLS stream.


public bool $isHls

Whether the broadcast supports HLS.


public bool $isLowLatency

Whether the broadcast supports low-latency mode for the HLS stream.


public bool $isStopped

Whether the broadcast is stopped (true) or in progress (false).


public string $multiBroadcastTag

Whether Multiple Broadcast is switched on, which will be a unique string for each simultaneous broadcast of an ongoing session. See for more information.


public string $partnerId

Your OpenTok API key.


public string $resolution

The resolution of the archive, either "640x480" (SD landscape, the default), "1280x720" (HD landscape), "1920x1080" (FHD landscape), "480x640" (SD portrait), "720x1280" (HD portrait), or "1080x1920" (FHD portrait). You may want to use a portrait aspect ratio for archives that include video streams from mobile devices (which often use the portrait aspect ratio).


public string $sessionId

The OpenTok session ID.


public string $streamMode

Whether streams included in the broadcast are selected automatically (StreamMode.AUTO) or manually (StreamMode.MANUAL). When streams are selected automatically (StreamMode.AUTO), all streams in the session can be included in the broadcast. When streams are selected manually (StreamMode.MANUAL), you specify streams to be included based on calls to the Broadcast.addStreamToBroadcast() and Broadcast.removeStreamFromBroadcast() methods. With manual mode, you can specify whether a stream's audio, video, or both are included in the broadcast. In both automatic and manual modes, the broadcast composer includes streams based on stream prioritization rules.


public int $updatedAt

The time the broadcast was started or stopped, expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch.



public __construct(mixed $broadcastData[, mixed $options = array() ]) : mixed
$broadcastData : mixed
$options : mixed = array()
Return values


Adds a stream to a currently running broadcast that was started with the the streamMode set to StreamMode.Manual. You can call the method repeatedly with the same stream ID, to toggle the stream's audio or video in the broadcast.

public addStreamToBroadcast(string $streamId, bool $hasAudio, bool $hasVideo) : bool
$streamId : string

The stream ID.

$hasAudio : bool

Whether the broadcast should include the stream's audio (true, the default) or not (false).

$hasVideo : bool

Whether the broadcast should include the stream's video (true, the default) or not (false).

Return values

Returns true on success.


public jsonSerialize() : mixed
Return values


Removes a stream from a currently running broadcast that was started with the the streamMode set to StreamMode.Manual.

public removeStreamFromBroadcast(string $streamId) : bool
$streamId : string

The stream ID.

Return values

Returns true on success.


Stops the broadcast.

public stop() : mixed
Return values

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