Class Subscriber

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Subscriber
    extends SubscriberKit
    Used to consume an audio-video stream in the OpenTok session. Subscribers are created by passing a valid Stream instance into the Subscriber constructor. Subscribers can connect to receive media when you call the Session.subscribe(SubscriberKit subscriber) method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Subscriber

        protected Subscriber​(android.content.Context context,
                             Stream stream,
                             BaseVideoRenderer renderer)
        Creates a new Subscriber object for a given stream. If you extend the Subscriber class, you can call this constructor from the child class.
        context - The android.content.Context for the Subscriber.
        stream - The Stream object corresponding to the stream you will subscribe to.
        renderer - The renderer for the subscriber.
      • Subscriber

        public Subscriber​(android.content.Context context,
                          Stream stream)
        Creates a new Subscriber for a given Stream. To begin subscribing to this Subscriber, pass it into the Session.subscribe(SubscriberKit subscriber) method.
        context - The android.content.Context for the Subscriber.
        stream - The Stream object corresponding to the stream you will subscribe to.