Use the Video API account to specify your S3-compliant endpoint or Windows Azure container for completed archives to be uploaded to. (For more information on Windows Azure see Using a Windows Azure container with Vonage Video API archiving.)
You can create an Amazon S3 account at
Note: You can also use an S3-compliant storage provider other than Amazon S3. We support Cloudian and Google Cloud Storage (accessed using the AWS S3 API) as S3-compatible storage solutions. Other S3-compatible services may have feature limitations.
You will provide the following information to the Video API account:
The default endpoint is
(the Amazon S3 endpoint URL).
You can create an Amazon S3 bucket (or find names of existing buckets) at the Amazon S3 console.
Note: OpenTok archiving does not support S3 buckets in the China (Beijing) region.
To obtain an Amazon S3 access key ID and secret access key:
If you want to use an IAM user, assign it the following user policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1427497452000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
(Replace <bucketName> with your bucket name.)
Now, go to the Video API account and complete the following steps:
Note: You can also set an archive upload target using the OpenTok REST API.
Recorded archives are uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket you specify.
All archives are saved to a subdirectory of your S3 bucket that has your OpenTok API key as its name, and each archive is saved to a subdirectory that has the archive ID as its name. The name of the archive file is archive.mp4 (for a composed archive) or (for an individual stream archive). (See Individual stream and composed archives.)
For example, consider an archive with the following API key and ID:
The file for this archive is uploaded to the following directory your S3 bucket.
At the Amazon S3 console you can make an uploaded archive file public. Navigate to the archive file in the console, right-click it, and select the Make public command. You can obtain the public URL for the file in the Properties panel for the file in the Amazon S3 console.
For more information, see Archive storage.