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OpenTok macOS SDK

The OpenTok macOS SDK lets you use Vonage Video API-powered video sessions in macOS apps.

Important notes:

  • Version 2.25.2+ of the SDK adds support for Swift Package Manager.

Apps written with the OpenTok macOS SDK 2.28.1 can interoperate with OpenTok apps written with version 2.25+ of the OpenTok client SDKs:

The OpenTok macOS SDK is a C library.

System requirements

The OpenTok macOS SDK is supported on macOS 10.15 or higher; on both Intel (x86_64) and Apple silicon (arm64) Macs.

Using the SDK

The OpenTok.framework directory contains the OpenTok macOS SDK.

The OpenTok macOS SDK is available as the Pod "VonageClientSDKVideoMacOS", for use with CocoaPods. It is also available as a Swift Package Manager package:

The OpenTok macOS SDK requires Xcode 11 or higher.

The OpenTok macOS SDK requires the following frameworks and libraries:

See the release notes for information on the latest version of the SDK and for a list of known issues.

Sample Applications

For sample code, go to the opentok-macos-sdk-samples repo at GitHub.