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OpenTok .NET SDK reference

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 OpenTokVersionFor internal use
 OpenTokArgumentExceptionDefines an exception object thrown when an invalid argument is passed into a method
 OpenTokExceptionDefines exceptions in the OpenTok SDK
 OpenTokWebExceptionDefines an exception object thrown when a REST API call results in an error response
 ListRendersRequestRepresents a request for retrieving Experience Composer renderers. (OpenTok.ListRendersAsync)
 ListRendersResponseRepresents a response from a ListRenders OpenTok.ListRendersAsync request
 RenderItemRepresents a rendering
 RenderResolutionConverterCustom converter for serializing RenderResolution
 StartRenderRequestRepresents request options for OpenTok.StartRenderAsync
 PublisherPropertiesThe Publisher properties for the composed output stream of a Render
 HttpClientFor internal use
 ArchiveRepresents an archive of an OpenTok session
 ArchiveLayoutLayout the archive is going to use
 ArchiveListA class for accessing an array of Archive objects
 AudioConnectorRepresents an Audio Connector
 AudioConnectorStartRequestRepresents a request to send audio from a Vonage Video API session to a WebSocket
 WebSocketOptions for configuring the connect call for WebSocket
 BroadcastRepresents a broadcast of an OpenTok session
 BroadcastHlsSettingsProvides details on an HLS stream
 BroadcastSettingsProvides details on an HLS broadcast stream. This object includes an hls property that specifies whether DVR functionality and low-latency mode are enabled for the HLS stream
 BroadcastLayoutRepresents a broadcast layout of an OpenTok session
 DialAuthUsed to set the username and password to be used in the OpenTok.Dial method. These are used in the SIP INVITE​ request for HTTP digest authentication, if it is required by your SIP platform. See the DialOptions class
 DialOptionsUsed to define options for the the OpenTok.Dial method. These are custom headers to be added to the SIP ​INVITE​ request initiated from OpenTok to your SIP platform
 OpenTokContains methods for creating OpenTok sessions, generating tokens, and working with archives
 RtmpRepresents an RTMP stream in an OpenTok session
 SessionRepresents an OpenTok session. Use the OpenTok.CreateSession method of the OpenTok class to create an OpenTok session. Use the Id property of the Session object to get the session ID
 SignalPropertiesDefines signal payload for the Signal API
 SipDial response object containing SIP information
 StreamRepresents a stream in an OpenTok session
 StreamListA class for accessing an array of Stream objects
 StreamPropertiesDefines class lists for one or more streams in the session. Used by the OpenTok.SetStreamClassLists() method