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An object representing an OpenTok archive.

Do not call the new() constructor. To start recording an archive, call the OpenTok.startArchive() method.

Name Type Description
createdAt Number The time at which the archive was created, in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
duration String The duration of the archive, in seconds.
hasAudio Boolean Whether the archive has an audio track (true) or not (false). You can prevent audio from being recorded by setting hasAudio to false in the options parameter you pass into the OpenTok.startArchive() method.
hasVideo Boolean Whether the archive has an video track (true) or not (false). You can prevent video from being recorded by setting hasVideo to false in the options parameter you pass into the OpenTok.startArchive() method.
id String The archive ID.
name String The name of the archive. If no name was provided when the archive was created, this is set to null.
streamMode String The stream mode for the archive. This can be set to one of the the following:
outputMode String The output mode to be generated for this archive, which can be one of the following:
  • "composed" -- All streams in the archive are recorded to a single (composed) file.
  • "individual" -- Each stream in the archive is recorded to its own individual file.
See the OpenTok.startArchive() method.
projectId String The API key associated with the archive.
reason String For archives with the status "stopped" or "failed", this string describes the reason the archive stopped (such as "maximum duration exceeded") or failed.
resolution String The resolution of the archive (either "640x480" or "1280x720"). This property is only set for composed archives.
sessionId String The session ID of the OpenTok session associated with this archive.
size Number The size of the MP4 file. For archives that have not been generated, this value is set to 0.
status String The status of the archive, which can be one of the following:
  • "available" -- The archive is available for download from the OpenTok cloud.
  • "expired" -- The archive is no longer available for download from the OpenTok cloud.
  • "failed" -- The archive recording failed.
  • "paused" -- The archive is in progress and no clients are publishing streams to the session. When an archive is in progress and any client publishes a stream, the status is "started". When an archive is "paused", nothing is recorded. When a client starts publishing a stream, the recording starts (or resumes). If all clients disconnect from a session that is being archived, the status changes to "paused", and after 60 seconds the archive recording stops (and the status changes to "stopped").
  • "started" -- The archive started and is in the process of being recorded.
  • "stopped" -- The archive stopped recording.
  • "uploaded" -- The archive is available for download from the the upload target Amazon S3 bucket or Windows Azure container you set up for your OpenTok project.
url String The download URL of the available MP4 file. This is only set for an archive with the status set to "available"; for other archives, (including archives with the status "uploaded") this property is set to null. The download URL is obfuscated, and the file is only available from the URL for 10 minutes. To generate a new URL, call the OpenTok.getArchive() or OpenTok.listArchives() method.
multiArchiveTag String Set this to support recording multiple archives for the same session simultaneously. Set this to a unique string for each simultaneous archive of an ongoing session. You must also set this option when manually starting an archive that is automatically archived. Note that the multiArchiveTag value is not included in the response for the methods to list archives and retrieve archive information. If you do not specify a unique multiArchiveTag, you can only record one archive at a time for a given session. See Simultaneous archives.


Name Description
delete(callback) Deletes the OpenTok archive.
stop(callback) Stops the recording of the archive.


Deletes the OpenTok archive.

You can only delete an archive which has a status of "available" or "uploaded". Deleting an archive removes its record from the list of archives. For an "available" archive, it also removes the archive file, making it unavailable for download.

Name Type Description
callback function The function to call upon completing the operation. On successfully deleting the archive, the function is called with no arguments passed in. On failure, an error object is passed into the function.


Stops the recording of the archive.

Archives automatically stop recording after 120 minutes or when all clients have disconnected from the session being archived.

Name Type Description
callback function The function to call upon completing the operation. Two arguments are passed to the function:
  • error — An error object (if the call to the method fails).
  • archive — The Archive object.