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Session Creation — .NET

You can use the OpenTok .NET library to generate OpenTok sessions. Each session has a unique session ID, which you can use in an OpenTok client library to connect to an OpenTok session. (See "Joining a Session" for Web, iOS, or Android.)

Creating a session that uses the OpenTok Media Router

The following .NET code creates a session that uses the OpenTok Media Router:

OpenTok opentok = new OpenTok(API_KEY, API_SECRET);
string sessionId = opentok.CreateSession(mediaMode: MediaMode.ROUTED).Id;

Use the session ID in an OpenTok client library to connect to an OpenTok session.

You will also need to generate a token for each user connecting to the OpenTok session. See Connection Token Creation for information on the GenerateToken() method.

The OpenTok Media Router provides the following benefits:

Creating a relayed session

Here is .NET sample code that creates a new session with the media mode set to relayed (the default media mode):

OpenTok opentok = new OpenTok(API_KEY, API_SECRET);
string sessionId = opentok.CreateSession().Id;

In a relayed session, clients will attempt to send streams directly between each other. However, if clients cannot connect due to firewall restrictions, the session uses the OpenTok TURN server to relay audio-video streams.

Important: Some features, such as archiving, are only available in routed (not relayed) sessions. See the previous section for instructions on creating a routed session.

Creating an automatically archived session

You can create a session that is automatically archived. Here is .NET sample code that creates an automatically archived session:

var session = OpenTok.CreateSession(mediaMode: MediaMode.ROUTED, ArchiveMode.ALWAYS);
string sessionId = session.Id;

Note that archived sessions must use the routed media mode.

For more information, see the archiving developer guide.

Using sessions in client applications

Use the session ID in an OpenTok client SDK to connect to an OpenTok session.

You will also need to generate a token for each user connecting to the OpenTok session. See Connection Token Creation for information on the GenerateToken() method.