These are the adjustments you can make to customize the user interface of OpenTok videos:
To specify the name property of the published stream, set the name
property of
the OTPublisherSettings object you use when initializing a Publisher:
let publisherSettings = OTPublisherSettings() = "Juan"
let publisher = OTPublisher(delegate: self, settings: publisherSettings)
The OTStream class has a name
property. When you
subscribe to a stream, you can display
this name in a user interface element. (Also, this name is displayed when the video in a web page that uses the OpenTok.js library.)
There is no default user interface element to mute the publisher's microphone. However, you can add
an element, such as a button, that sets the publishAudio
property of the OTPublisher object
when the user clicks it. Set the publishAudio
property to false
to mute the
publisher.publishAudio = false
Set the publishAudio
property to true
to publish audio.
publisher.publishAudio = true
For an example, see the "Project 4: Overlay Graphics" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
There is no default user interface element to mute the subscriber's audio. However, you can add
an element, such as a button, that sets the subscribeToAudio
of the OTSubscriber object
when the user clicks it. Set the subscribeToAudio
property to false
mute the subscriber
subscriber.subscribeToAudio = false
Set the subscribeToAudio
property to true
to subscribe to audio (if there is an
audio stream):
subscriber.subscribeToAudio = true
For an example, see the "Project 4: Overlay Graphics" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
There is no default user interface element to toggle the camera used by the publisher. However, you can add
an element, such as a button, that sets the cameraPosition
property the OTPublisher object.
Set the property to a value defined in the AVCaptureDevicePosition enum. For example, the following code sets
the publisher to use the back camera:
publisher.cameraPosition = .back
Note that the cameraPosition
property is not available in the OTPublisherKit class. If
you are using the OTPublisherKit class to implement
a custom video capturer, you can define the camera used in the custom video capturing code.
For an example, see the "Project 4: Overlay Graphics" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
When a subscriber's video is disabled, the OTSubscriberKitDelegate subscriberVideoDisabled(_:reason:) message is sent. When this occurs, you can add a user interface element (such as an icon) to indicate that the video was disabled:
func subscriberVideoDisabled(_ subscriber: OTSubscriberKit, reason: OTSubscriberVideoEventReason) {
// Display the video disabled indicator
When a subscriber's video is reenabled, the OTSubscriberKitDelegate subscriberVideoEnabled(_:reason:) message is sent. When this occurs, you may remove a user interface element (such as an icon) that indicate that the video is reenabled:
func subscriberVideoEnabled(_ subscriber: OTSubscriberKit, reason: OTSubscriberVideoEventReason) {
// Remove the video disabled indicator
In sessions that use the OpenTok Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), the following messages can also be sent:
You may also want to display and remove a user interface notification (such as an icon) when these messages are sent.
For an example, see the "Project 4: Overlay Graphics" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
Note that when you instantiate a PublisherKit object, you enable or disable publisher and subscriber audio fallback. The audio fallback feature disables video (in publishers and subscribers) when network or CPU conditions do not support video. See Audio fallback (iOS Swift).
If you enable publisher audio fallback, the
object will send the following messages pertaining to publisher audio fallback-related events:
OTPublisherKitDelegate publisherVideoDisabled(_:reason:)
OTPublisherKitDelegate publisherVideoEnabled(_:reason:)
OTPublisherKitDelegate publisherVideoDisableWarning(_:)
OTPublisherKitDelegate publisherVideoDisableWarningLifted(_:)
You can display UI indicators in response to these events.
When a archive of a session starts recording (or if you connect to a session that is being recorded),
the OTSessionDelegate session(_:archiveStartedWithId:name:)
message is sent. When the
recording stops the OTSessionDelegate session(_:archiveStoppedWithId:)
message is sent.
You can add a user interface element, such as an icon displayed in a OTPublisher view, to indicate that
a video is being recorded:
func session(_ session: OTSession, archiveStartedWithId archiveId: String, name: String?) {
// Display the archive indicator
func session(_ session: OTSession, archiveStoppedWithId archiveId: String) {
// Hide the archive indicator
For an example, see the "Project 5: Multi-Party-Call" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
The following code captures and display a static image of the Publisher video, adds it to the main view, and sets a UIImage object for the image:
if let publisherView = publisher.view,
let screenCapture = publisherView.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true) {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(publisherView.bounds.size, false, UIScreen.main.scale)
view.drawHierarchy(in: publisherView.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
The following code captures and display a static image of the subscriber video, adds it to the main view, and sets a UIImage object for the image:
if let subscriberView = subscriber?.view,
let screenCapture = subscriberView.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true) {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(subscriberView.bounds.size, false, UIScreen.main.scale)
view.drawHierarchy(in: subscriberView.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
For an example of obtaining a high-resolution image of a publisher, see the "Live Photo Capture" sample in the OpenTok iOS Samples repo. This sample is also in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK.
The OTPublisherKitAudioLevelDelegate publisher(_:audioLevelUpdated:)
and OTSubscriberKitAudioLevelDelegate subscriber(_:audioLevelUpdated:)
messages are
sent on a regular interval with the audio level of the subscriber and publisher. You can use the
value to update the display in an audio level meter.
For an example, see the "Project 6: Audio Levels" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
Note: A publisher's audio level is not available until its stream is published to a session. To get a preview of the audio before the publisher starts streaming to the session, use a custom audio driver.
The OTPublisher and OTSubscriber classes provide a default UIView instance that renders the publisher or subscriber video. You can use the custom video stream API to define a custom video renderer, using OTPublisherKit, OTSubscriberKit, and OTVideoRender classes. For an example, see the "Project 2: Let's Build OTPublisher" sample in the samples directory of the OpenTok iOS SDK (or at the opentok-ios-sdk-samples repo on github).
You can also set up a publisher to use a custom video capturer.