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Using the Vonage Media Processor library

Use the Vonage Media Processor library to apply custom transformations to published video.

The OTPublisher.setVideoTransformers() method of the Vonage Video React Native library uses the Vonage Media Processor library to perform background blur and background image replacement filters for published video streams. See this topic.

The OTPublisher.setAudioTransformers() method of the Vonage Video React Native library uses the Vonage Media Processor library to apply a noise reduction filter to published video streams. See this topic.

Vonage Media Library integration

Due to significant increased size when integrating Vonage Media Library into SDK, in Vonage Video React Native v2.28.0+ the Media Transformers are available via the opt-in Vonage Media Library. This library needs to explicitly be added to the project.

For Android, a Maven version is available at The artifact ID is "client-sdk-video-transformers". Modify the app's build.gradle file and add the following code snippet to the dependencies section:

implementation 'com.vonage:client-sdk-video-transformers:2.28.0'

For iOS, the Vonage Media Library is available as the Pod "VonageClientSDKVideoTransformers", for use with CocoaPods. Include the following in your Podfile:

pod 'VonageClientSDKVideoTransformers'

If you call OTPublisher.setVideoTransformer() is made without loading the library, an error will be thrown.