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Release notes for the OpenTok.js 2.0 library

This page includes information on the OpenTok.js 2.0 library. For information on the latest version (2.2) of the OpenTok.js library, see this page.

If you have any questions, concerns, feedback, please let us know on our forums.

New features
Known issues
Fixed issues

For details on the OpenTok.js API, see the OpenTok.js library reference.


Support for TURN over TCP — This feature enables audio-video communication for clients in network environments where UDP traffic is restricted. A TURN server relays audio-video streams to punch through firewalls (when necessary). With TURN over TCP, audio-video streams can be sent and received in environments where UDP traffic is restricted. Note that a video stream can be higher quality when sent over UDP than when sent over TCP, so TCP is used only when UDP is not available. Currently, TURN over TCP is not available for clients using Firefox. (We anticipate that it will be available in Firefox 28.)

OpenTok Media Router — OpenTok Media Router acts as a central switching station for non-peer-to-peer WebRTC streams. OpenTok Media Router enables:

To use OpenTok Media Router, set the peer-to-peer preference to false when creating a session.

New Features on March 4, 2014 — v2.0.18

This release includes a number of improvements in performance and stability. Please see Features added in previous versions, Known issues, and Fixed issues.

Features added in previous versions

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The OpenTok on WebRTC JavaScript library is currently supported in:

The OpenTok on WebRTC JavaScript library uses port 443. Port 443 must be open on the client network.

Known issues

The following are known issues for this version of the OpenTok on WebRTC JavaScript library.

In Chrome, hiding an element that contains a Publisher or Subscriber (by setting the display CSS property to "none" causes the browser to crash. As a work-around, you can set the visibility property to "hidden", and set the height and width properties to "1px".

WebRTC is a peer-to-peer protocol, and it is possible that connections will fail to connect. The most common cause for failure is a firewall that the protocol cannot traverse. When OpenTok detects this failure, the TB object dispatches an exception event object, with the code property set to 1013.

You cannot publish using WebRTC on a page loaded from a file:// URL. You need to load the page from an http:// URL. For example, you can test a file from http://localhost if you have a web server set up on your local machine.

Fixed issues

Fixed in v2.0.17

TURN over TCP support was not working. We have fixed this issue.

Subscribers calling the Subscriber.restrictFrameRate() method displayed lower than expected video quality in networks where there was packet loss. We have fixed this issue.

Fixed in previous versions

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