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Properties Methods Events 

The Subscriber object is a representation of the local video element that is playing back a remote stream. The Subscriber object includes methods that let you disable and enable local audio playback for the subscribed stream. The subscribe() method of the Session object returns a Subscriber object.


Name Type Description
element Element The HTML DOM element containing the Subscriber.
id String The DOM ID of the Subscriber.
stream Stream The stream to which you are subscribing.


Name Description
addEventListener(type, listener, context) Deprecated.
getAudioVolume() → {Number} Returns the audio volume, between 0 and 100, of the Subscriber.
getImgData() → {String} Returns the base-64-encoded string of PNG data representing the Subscriber video.
getRtcStatsReport() → {Promise} Returns a promise that, on success, resolves with an RtcStatsReport object for the subscribed stream.
getStats(completionHandler) Returns the details on the subscriber stream quality, including the following:
  • Total audio and video packets lost
  • Total audio and video packets received
  • Total audio and video bytes received
  • Current average video frame rate
You can publish a test stream, subscribe to it (on the publishing client), and use this method to check its quality.
getStyle() → {Object} Returns an object that has the properties that define the current user interface controls of the Subscriber.
isAudioBlocked() Indicates whether the subscriber's audio is blocked because of the browser's audio autoplay policy.
isSubscribedToCaptions() Whether the subscriber is receiving captions.
off(type, handler, context) → {Object} Removes an event handler or handlers.
on(type, handler, context) → {EventDispatcher} Adds an event handler function for one or more events.
once(type, handler, context) → {Object} Adds an event handler function for one or more events.
removeEventListener(type, listener, context) Deprecated.
restrictFrameRate(value) → {Subscriber} Restricts the frame rate of the Subscriber's video stream, when you pass in true.
setAudioMediaProcessorConnector(mediaProcessorConnector) → {Promise} Sets a MediaProcessorConnector for the subscriber audio track.
setAudioVolume(value) → {Subscriber} Sets the audio volume, between 0 and 100, of the Subscriber.
setPreferredFrameRate(frameRate) Sets the preferred frame rate of the subscriber's video.
setPreferredResolution(resolution) Sets the preferred resolution of the subscriber's video.
setStyle(style, value) → {Subscriber} Sets properties that define the appearance of some user interface controls of the Subscriber.
setVideoMediaProcessorConnector(mediaProcessorConnector) → {Promise} Sets a MediaProcessorConnector for the subscriber video track.
subscribeToAudio(value) → {Subscriber} Toggles audio on and off.
subscribeToCaptions(value) Toggles captions on and off.
subscribeToVideo(value) → {Subscriber} Toggles video on and off.
videoHeight() → {Number} Returns the height, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.
videoWidth() → {Number} Returns the width, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.

addEventListener(type, listener, context)

Name Type Description
type String The string identifying the type of event.
listener function The function to be invoked when the object dispatches the event.
context Object (Optional) Defines the value of this in the event handler function.

Deprecated — use on() or once() instead.

This method registers a method as an event listener for a specific event.

If a handler is not registered for an event, the event is ignored locally. If the event listener function does not exist, the event is ignored locally.

Throws an exception if the listener name is invalid.


getAudioVolume() → {Number}

Returns the audio volume, between 0 and 100, of the Subscriber.

Generally you use this method in conjunction with the setAudioVolume() method.

The audio volume, between 0 and 100, of the Subscriber.

getImgData() → {String}

Returns the base-64-encoded string of PNG data representing the Subscriber video.

You can use the string as the value for a data URL scheme passed to the src parameter of an image file, as in the following:

 var imgData = subscriber.getImgData();

 var img = document.createElement("img");
 img.setAttribute("src", "data:image/png;base64," + imgData);
 var imgWin ="about:blank", "Screenshot");
The base-64 encoded string. Returns an empty string if there is no video.

getRtcStatsReport() → {Promise}

Returns a promise that, on success, resolves with an RtcStatsReport object for the subscribed stream. (See RTCStatsReport.)

The Promise will be rejected in the following conditions:

A promise that resolves when the operation completes successfully. If there is an error, the promise is rejected.


Returns the details on the subscriber stream quality, including the following:
  • Total audio and video packets lost
  • Total audio and video packets received
  • Total audio and video bytes received
  • Current average video frame rate
You can publish a test stream, subscribe to it (on the publishing client), and use this method to check its quality. Based on the stream's quality, you can determine what video resolution is supported and whether conditions support video or audio. You can then publish an appropriate stream, based on the results. When using this method to test a stream published by your own client, set the testNetwork property to true in the options you pass into the Session.subscribe() method. For an example, see the opentok-network-test project on GitHub.

You may also use these statistics to have a Subscriber subscribe to audio-only if the audio packet loss reaches a certain threshold. If you choose to do this, you should set the audioFallbackEnabled setting to false when you initialize Publisher objects for the session. This prevents the Vonage Video API Media Router from using its own audio-only toggling implementation. (See the documentation for the OT.initPublisher() method.) Note that audioFallbackEnabled will be deprecated in the future. Please instead set the subscriber property of the audioFallback object to false.

Name Type Description
completionHandler function A function that takes the following parameters:
  • error (Error) — The error property is set if the client is not connected. Upon completion of a successful call to the method, this property is undefined.
  • stats (Object) — An object with the following properties:

    • audio.bytesReceived (Number) — The total number of audio bytes received by the subscriber
    • audio.packetsLost (Number) — Total audio packets that did not reach the subscriber
    • audio.packetsReceived (Number) — The total number of audio packets received by the subscriber
    • timestamp (Number) — The timestamp, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, for when these stats were gathered
    • video.bytesReceived (Number) — The total video bytes received by the subscriber
    • video.packetsLost (Number) — The total number of video packets that did not reach the subscriber
    • video.packetsReceived (Number) — The total number of video packets received by the subscriber
    • video.frameRate (Number) — The current average video frame rate

getStyle() → {Object}

Returns an object that has the properties that define the current user interface controls of the Subscriber. You can modify the properties of this object and pass the object to the setStyle() method of the Subscriber object. (See the documentation for setStyle() to see the styles that define this object.)
The object that defines the styles of the Subscriber.


Indicates whether the subscriber's audio is blocked because of the browser's audio autoplay policy.


Whether the subscriber is receiving captions. This property can change if the subscriber turns on or off captioning (by calling Subscriber.subscribeToCaptions()).

off(type, handler, context) → {Object}

Removes an event handler or handlers.

If you pass in one event name and a handler method, the handler is removed for that event:"eventName", eventHandler);

If you pass in multiple event names and a handler method, the handler is removed for those events:"eventName1 eventName2", eventHandler);

If you pass in an event name (or names) and no handler method, all handlers are removed for those events:"event1Name event2Name");

If you pass in no arguments, all event handlers are removed for all events dispatched by the object:;

The method also supports an alternate syntax, in which the first parameter is an object that is a hash map of event names and handler functions and the second parameter (optional) is the context for this in each handler:
      eventName1: event1Handler,
      eventName2: event2Handler
Name Type Description
type String (Optional) The string identifying the type of event. You can use a space to specify multiple events, as in "accessAllowed accessDenied accessDialogClosed". If you pass in no type value (or other arguments), all event handlers are removed for the object.
handler function (Optional) The event handler function to remove. The handler must be the same function object as was passed into on(). Be careful with helpers like bind() that return a new function when called. If you pass in no handler, all event handlers are removed for the specified event type.
context Object (Optional) If you specify a context, the event handler is removed for all specified events and handlers that use the specified context. (The context must match the context passed into on().)
The object that dispatched the event.

on(type, handler, context) → {EventDispatcher}

Adds an event handler function for one or more events.

The following code adds an event handler for one event:

obj.on("eventName", function (event) {
    // This is the event handler.

If you pass in multiple event names and a handler method, the handler is registered for each of those events:

obj.on("eventName1 eventName2",
       function (event) {
           // This is the event handler.

You can also pass in a third context parameter (which is optional) to define the value of this in the handler method:

       function (event) {
           // This is the event handler.

The method also supports an alternate syntax, in which the first parameter is an object that is a hash map of event names and handler functions and the second parameter (optional) is the context for this in each handler:

      eventName1: function (event) {
              // This is the handler for eventName1.
      eventName2:  function (event) {
              // This is the handler for eventName2.

If you do not add a handler for an event, the event is ignored locally.

Name Type Description
type String The string identifying the type of event. You can specify multiple event names in this string, separating them with a space. The event handler will process each of the events.
handler function The handler function to process the event. This function takes the event object as a parameter.
context Object (Optional) Defines the value of this in the event handler function.
The EventDispatcher object.

once(type, handler, context) → {Object}

Adds an event handler function for one or more events. Once the handler is called, the specified handler method is removed as a handler for this event. (When you use the on() method to add an event handler, the handler is not removed when it is called.) The once() method is the equivilent of calling the on() method and calling off() the first time the handler is invoked.

The following code adds a one-time event handler for one event:

obj.once("eventName", function (event) {
   // This is the event handler.

If you pass in multiple event names and a handler method, the handler is registered for each of those events:

obj.once("eventName1 eventName2"
         function (event) {
             // This is the event handler.

You can also pass in a third context parameter (which is optional) to define the value of this in the handler method:

         function (event) {
             // This is the event handler.

The method also supports an alternate syntax, in which the first parameter is an object that is a hash map of event names and handler functions and the second parameter (optional) is the context for this in each handler:

      eventName1: function (event) {
                 // This is the event handler for eventName1.
      eventName2:  function (event) {
                 // This is the event handler for eventName1.
Name Type Description
type String The string identifying the type of event. You can specify multiple event names in this string, separating them with a space. The event handler will process the first occurence of the events. After the first event, the handler is removed (for all specified events).
handler function The handler function to process the event. This function takes the event object as a parameter.
context Object (Optional) Defines the value of this in the event handler function.
The object that dispatched the event.

removeEventListener(type, listener, context)

Name Type Description
type String The string identifying the type of event.
listener function The event listener function to remove.
context Object (Optional) If you specify a context, the event handler is removed for all specified events and event listeners that use the specified context. (The context must match the context passed into addEventListener().)

Deprecated — use off() instead.

Removes an event listener for a specific event.

Throws an exception if the listener name is invalid.


restrictFrameRate(value) → {Subscriber}

Restricts the frame rate of the Subscriber's video stream, when you pass in true. When you pass in false, the frame rate of the video stream is not restricted.

When the frame rate is restricted, the Subscriber video frame will update once or less per second.

This feature is only available in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed. In relayed sessions, calling this method has no effect.

Restricting the subscriber frame rate has the following benefits:

  • It reduces CPU usage.
  • It reduces the network bandwidth consumed.
  • It lets you subscribe to more streams simultaneously.

Reducing a subscriber's frame rate has no effect on the frame rate of the video in other clients.

Name Type Description
value Boolean Whether to restrict the Subscriber's video frame rate (true) or not (false).
The Subscriber object. This lets you chain method calls, as in the following:

setAudioMediaProcessorConnector(mediaProcessorConnector) → {Promise}

Sets a MediaProcessorConnector for the subscriber audio track. A subscriber can have only one audio MediaProcessorConnector applied at one time. When you set a new connector, the previously set audio connector is removed.

Note: MediaProcessors are only supported in recent versions of Chrome, Electron, Opera, and Edge. They are not supported in other (non-Chromium-based) browsers or on iOS. You can check if the client supports this feature by calling the OT.hasMediaProcessorSupport() method.

Calling this method results in an error (the Promise returned by the method is rejected) in the following conditions:

  • There was an error acquiring the processed track from the MediaProcessorConnector.

You can clear the current connector by calling this method with null.

For more information, see the Using the Vonage Media Processor library developer guide.

Name Type Description
mediaProcessorConnector MediaProcessorConnector A MediaProcessorConnector instance. See the Vonage Media Processor library docs.
A promise that resolves when the operation completes successfully. If there is an error, the promise is rejected and no connector is set.

setAudioVolume(value) → {Subscriber}

Sets the audio volume, between 0 and 100, of the Subscriber.

You can set the initial volume when you call the Session.subscribe() method. Pass a audioVolume property of the properties parameter of the method.

Name Type Description
value Number The audio volume, between 0 and 100.
The Subscriber object. This lets you chain method calls, as in the following:


Sets the preferred frame rate of the subscriber's video.

Lowering the preferred frame rate lowers video quality on the subscribing client, but it also reduces network and CPU usage. You may want to use a lower frame rate for a subscriber to a stream that is less important than other streams.

This method only applies when subscribing to a stream that uses the scalable video feature. Scalable video is available:

  • Only in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed).
  • Only for streams published by clients that support scalable video: clients that use the Vonage Video API iOS SDK (on certain devices), the Vonage Video API Android SDK (on certain devices), or OpenTok.js in Chrome and Safari.

In streams that do not use scalable video, calling this method has no effect.

Note: The frame rate for scalable video streams automatically adjusts for each subscriber, based on network conditions and CPU usage, even if you do not call this method. Call this method if you want to set a maximum frame rate for this subscriber.

Not every frame rate is available to a subscriber. When you set the preferred frame rate for the subscriber, OpenTok.js picks the best frame rate available that matches your setting. The frame rates available are based on the value of the Subscriber object's stream.frameRate property, which represents the maximum value available for the stream. The actual frame rates available depend, dynamically, on network and CPU resources available to the publisher and subscriber.

You can set the initial preferred frame rate used by setting the preferredFrameRate property of the options object you pass into the Session.subscribe() method.

Name Type Description
frameRate Number Set this to the desired frame rate (in frames per second). Set this to null to remove the preferred frame rate, and the client will use the highest frame rate available.


Sets the preferred resolution of the subscriber's video.

Lowering the preferred resolution lowers video quality on the subscribing client, but it also reduces network and CPU usage. You may want to use a lower resolution based on the dimensions of subscriber's video on the web page. You may want to use a resolution rate for a subscriber to a stream that is less important (and smaller) than other streams.

This method only applies when subscribing to a stream that uses the scalable video feature. Scalable video is available:

  • Only in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed).
  • Only for streams published by clients that support scalable video: clients that use the Vonage Video API iOS SDK (on certain devices), the Vonage Video API Android SDK (on certain devices), or OpenTok.js in Chrome and Safari.

In streams that do not use scalable video, calling this method has no effect.

Note: The resolution for scalable video streams automatically adjusts for each subscriber, based on network conditions and CPU usage, even if you do not call this method. Call this method if you want to set a maximum resolution for this subscriber.

In streams that do not use scalable video, calling this method has no effect.

Not every frame rate is available to a subscriber. When you set the preferred resolution for the subscriber, OpenTok.js picks the best resolution available that matches your setting. The resolutions available are based on the value of the Subscriber object's stream.resolution property, which represents the maximum resolution available for the stream. The actual resolutions available depend, dynamically, on network and CPU resources available to the publisher and subscriber.

You can set the initial preferred resolution used by setting the preferredResolution property of the options object you pass into the Session.subscribe() method.

Note: If you set the initial preferred resolution to "auto" when calling Session.subscribe(), calling setPreferredResolution() fails silently, and you will receive a warning.

Name Type Description
resolution Object Set this to an object with two properties: width and height (both numbers), such as {width: 320, height: 240}. Set this to null to remove the preferred resolution, and the client will use the highest resolution available.

setStyle(style, value) → {Subscriber}

Sets properties that define the appearance of some user interface controls of the Subscriber.

You can either pass one parameter or two parameters to this method.

If you pass one parameter, style, it is an object that has the following properties:

  • audioBlockedDisplayMode (String) — Whether to display the default audio blocked icon in Subscribers (in browsers where audio autoplay is blocked). Possible values are: "auto" (the default, icon is displayed when the audio is disabled) and "off" (the icon is not displayed). Set this to "off" if you want to display your own UI element showing that the audio is blocked. In response to an HTML element dispatching a click event, you can call the OT.unblockAudio() method to start audio playback in this and all other blocked subscribers.
  • audioLevelDisplayMode (String) — How to display the audio level indicator. Possible values are: "auto" (the indicator is displayed when the video is disabled), "off" (the indicator is not displayed), and "on" (the indicator is always displayed).
  • backgroundImageURI (String) — A URI for an image to display as the background image when a video is not displayed. (A video may not be displayed if you call subscribeToVideo(false) on the Publisher object). You can pass an http or https URI to a PNG, JPEG, or non-animated GIF file location. You can also use the data URI scheme (instead of http or https) and pass in base-64-encrypted PNG data, such as that obtained from the Subscriber.getImgData() method (for example, you could call mySubscriber.setStyle("backgroundImageURI", mySubscriber.getImgData())). If the URL or the image data is invalid, the property is ignored (the attempt to set the image fails silently).
  • buttonDisplayMode (String) — How to display the speaker controls. Possible values are: "auto" (controls are displayed when the stream is first displayed and when the user mouses over the display), "off" (controls are not displayed), and "on" (controls are always displayed).
  • nameDisplayMode (String) — Whether to display the stream name. Possible values are: "auto" (the name is displayed when the stream is first displayed and when the user mouses over the display), "off" (the name is not displayed), and "on" (the name is always displayed).
  • videoDisabledDisplayMode (String) — Whether to display the video disabled indicator and video disabled warning icons for a Subscriber. These icons indicate that the video has been disabled (or is at risk of being disabled for the warning icon) due to poor stream quality. Possible values are: "auto" (the icons are automatically when the displayed video is disabled or at risk of being disabled due to poor stream quality), "off" (do not display the icons), and "on" (display the icons).

For example, the following code passes one parameter to the method:

mySubscriber.setStyle({nameDisplayMode: "off"});

If you pass two parameters, style and value, they are key-value pair that define one property of the display style. For example, the following code passes two parameter values to the method:

mySubscriber.setStyle("nameDisplayMode", "off");

You can set the initial settings when you call the Session.subscribe() method. Pass a style property as part of the properties parameter of the method.

The OT object dispatches an exception event if you pass in an invalid style to the method. The code property of the ExceptionEvent object is set to 1011.

Name Type Description
style Object Either an object containing properties that define the style, or a String defining this single style property to set.
value String The value to set for the style passed in. Pass a value for this parameter only if the value of the style parameter is a String.

The Subscriber object.

setVideoMediaProcessorConnector(mediaProcessorConnector) → {Promise}

Sets a MediaProcessorConnector for the subscriber video track. A subscriber can have only one video MediaProcessorConnector applied at one time. When you set a new connector, the previously set video connector is removed.

Note: MediaProcessors are only supported in recent versions of Chrome, Electron, Opera, and Edge. They are not supported in other (non-Chromium-based) browsers or on iOS. You can check if the client supports this feature by calling the OT.hasMediaProcessorSupport() method.

Calling this method results in an error (the Promise returned by the method is rejected) in the following conditions:

  • There are no video input devices (cameras) available.
  • There was an error acquiring video from the video input device.
  • There was an error acquiring the processed track from the MediaProcessorConnector.

You can clear the current connector by calling this method with null.

For more information, see the Using the Vonage Media Processor library developer guide.

Name Type Description
mediaProcessorConnector MediaProcessorConnector A MediaProcessorConnector instance. See the Vonage Media Processor library docs.
A promise that resolves when the operation completes successfully. If there is an error, the promise is rejected and no connector is set.

subscribeToAudio(value) → {Subscriber}

Toggles audio on and off. Starts subscribing to audio (if it is available and currently not being subscribed to) when the value is true; stops subscribing to audio (if it is currently being subscribed to) when the value is false.

Note: This method only affects the local playback of audio. It has no impact on the audio for other connections subscribing to the same stream. If the Publisher is not publishing audio, enabling the Subscriber audio will have no practical effect.

Name Type Description
value Boolean Whether to start subscribing to audio (true) or not (false).
The Subscriber object. This lets you chain method calls, as in the following:


Toggles captions on and off. Starts subscribing to captions (if it is available and currently not being subscribed to) when the value is true; stops subscribing to captions (if it is currently being subscribed to) when the value is false.

For more information, see the Live Captions developer guide.

Name Type Description
value Boolean Whether to start subscribing to captions (true) or not (false).

subscribeToVideo(value) → {Subscriber}

Toggles video on and off. Starts subscribing to video (if it is available and currently not being subscribed to) when the value is true; stops subscribing to video (if it is currently being subscribed to) when the value is false.

Note: This method only affects the local playback of video. It has no impact on the video for other connections subscribing to the same stream. If the Publisher is not publishing video, enabling the Subscriber video will have no practical effect.

Name Type Description
value Boolean Whether to start subscribing to video (true) or not (false).
The Subscriber object. This lets you chain method calls, as in the following:

videoHeight() → {Number}

Returns the height, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.
the width, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.

videoWidth() → {Number}

Returns the width, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.
the width, in pixels, of the Subscriber video.



Dispatched when the subscriber's audio is blocked because of the browser's autoplay policy.


Dispatched periodically to indicate the subscriber's audio level. The event is dispatched up to 60 times per second, depending on the browser. The audioLevel property of the event is audio level, from 0 to 1.0. See AudioLevelUpdatedEvent for more information.

The following example adjusts the value of a meter element that shows volume of the subscriber. Note that the audio level is adjusted logarithmically and a moving average is applied:

var movingAvg = null;
subscriber.on('audioLevelUpdated', function(event) {
  if (movingAvg === null || movingAvg <= event.audioLevel) {
    movingAvg = event.audioLevel;
  } else {
    movingAvg = 0.7 * movingAvg + 0.3 * event.audioLevel;

  // 1.5 scaling to map the -30 - 0 dBm range to [0,1]
  var logLevel = (Math.log(movingAvg) / Math.LN10) / 1.5 + 1;
  logLevel = Math.min(Math.max(logLevel, 0), 1);
  document.getElementById('subscriberMeter').value = logLevel;

This example shows the algorithm used by the default audio level indicator displayed in an audio-only Subscriber.



Dispatched when the subscriber's audio is unblocked after being paused because of the browser's autoplay policy.

Subscriber audio is unblocked when any of the following occurs:

  • The user clicks the default Subscriber audio playback icon
  • The OT.unblockAudio() method is called in response to an HTML element dispatching a click event (if you have disabled the default audio playback icon)
  • The local client gains access to the camera or microphone (for instance, in response to a successful call to OT.initPublisher()).


Dispatched when the subscriber receives a caption from the transcription service. You must first call the Subscriber.subscribeToCaptions() method (and the publisher of the stream must be publishing captions) before you receive captionReceived events.


Sent when the subscriber's stream has resumed, after the Subscriber dispatches a disconnected event.


Dispatched when the Subscriber element is removed from the HTML DOM. When this event is dispatched, you may choose to adjust or remove HTML DOM elements related to the subscriber.

To prevent the Subscriber from being removed from the DOM when the stream is destroyed, listen for the streamDestroyed event dispatched by the Session object. The streamDestroyed event dispatched by the Session object is cancelable, and calling the preventDefault() method of the event object prevents Subscribers of the stream from being removed from the HTML DOM.



Sent when the subscriber's stream has been interrupted.

In response to this event, you may want to provide a user interface notification, to let the user know that the audio-video stream is temporarily disconnected and that the app is trying to reconnect to it.

If the client reconnects to the stream, the Subscriber object dispatches a connected event. Otherwise, if the client cannot reconnect to the stream, the Subscriber object dispatches a destroyed event.



Dispatched when a subscriber's media can be decrypted because the encryption secrets match. This is only dispatched when there was previously a secret mismatch.


Dispatched when a subscriber's media cannot be decrypted because the encryption secrets do not match. In this scenario the user will still be subscribed to the stream, but the video will be black and the audio will be silent. It is considered good practice to communicate to the user why media is not viewable.


Dispatched when the MediaStream is available.


Dispatched when either the audio or video quality score has changed. The scores are a heuristic value representing the expected subscriber experience. The values range from 5 to 1, with the integer values corresponding to Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor | Bad.


Dispatched when the video dimensions of the video change. This can occur when the stream.videoType property is set to "screen" (for a screen-sharing video stream), when the user resizes the window being captured. It can also occur if the video is being published by a mobile device and the user rotates the device (causing the camera orientation to change). This event object has a newValue property and an oldValue property, representing the new and old dimensions of the video. Each of these has a height property and a width property, representing the height and width, in pixels.


Dispatched when the video for the subscriber is disabled.

The reason property defines the reason the video was disabled. This can be set to one of the following values:

  • "codecNotSupported" — The client's browser does not support the video codec used by the stream. For example, in Safari if you connect to a routed session in a non-Safari Vonage Video API project, and you try to subscribe to a stream that includes video, the Subscriber will dispatch a videoDisabled event with the reason property set to "codecNotSupported". (In routed sessions in a non-Safari project, streams use the VP8 video codec, which is not supported in Safari.) The subscriber element will also display a "Video format not supported" message. (See OT.getSupportedCodecs().)
  • "publishVideo" — The publisher stopped publishing video by calling publishVideo(false).
  • "quality" — The Vonage Video API Media Router stopped sending video to the subscriber based on stream quality changes. This feature of the Vonage Video API Media Router has a subscriber drop the video stream when connectivity degrades. (The subscriber continues to receive the audio stream, if there is one.)

    Before sending this event, when the Subscriber's stream quality deteriorates to a level that is low enough that the video stream is at risk of being disabled, the Subscriber dispatches a videoDisableWarning event.

    If connectivity improves to support video again, the Subscriber object dispatches a videoEnabled event, and the Subscriber resumes receiving video.

    By default, the Subscriber displays a video disabled indicator when a videoDisabled event with this reason is dispatched and removes the indicator when the videoEnabled event with this reason is dispatched. You can control the display of this icon by calling the setStyle() method of the Subscriber, setting the videoDisabledDisplayMode property(or you can set the style when calling the Session.subscribe() method, setting the style property of the properties parameter).

    This feature is only available in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed.

    You can disable this audio-only fallback feature by setting the audioFallback.subscriber property to false in the options you pass to the OT.initPublisher() method on the publishing client. (See OT.initPublisher().)

  • "subscribeToVideo" — The subscriber started or stopped subscribing to video, by calling subscribeToVideo(false).


Dispatched when the Vonage Video API Media Router determines that the stream quality has degraded and the video will be disabled if the quality degrades more. If the quality degrades further, the Subscriber disables the video and dispatches a videoDisabled event.

By default, the Subscriber displays a video disabled warning indicator when this event is dispatched (and the video is disabled). You can control the display of this icon by calling the setStyle() method and setting the videoDisabledDisplayMode property (or you can set the style when calling the Session.subscribe() method and setting the style property of the properties parameter).

This feature is only available in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed.



Dispatched when the Vonage Video API Media Router determines that the stream quality has improved to the point at which the video being disabled is not an immediate risk. This event is dispatched after the Subscriber object dispatches a videoDisableWarning event.

This feature is only available in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed.



Dispatched when the Subscriber's video element is created. Add a listener for this event when you set the insertDefaultUI option to false in the call to the Session.subscribe() method. The element property of the event object is a reference to the Subscriber's video element (or in Internet Explorer the object element containing the video). Add it to the HTML DOM to display the video. When you set the insertDefaultUI option to false, the video (or object) element is not automatically inserted into the DOM.

Add a listener for this event only if you have set the insertDefaultUI option to false. If you have not set insertDefaultUI option to false, do not move the video (or object) element in in the HTML DOM. Doing so causes the Subscriber object to be destroyed.



Dispatched when the Vonage Video API Media Router resumes sending video to the subscriber after video was previously disabled.

The reason property defines the reason the video was enabled. This can be set to one of the following values:

  • "codecChanged" — The subscriber video was enabled after a codec change from an incompatible codec.
  • "publishVideo" — The publisher started publishing video by calling publishVideo(true).
  • "quality" — The Vonage Video API Media Router resumed sending video to the subscriber based on stream quality changes. This feature of the Vonage Video API Media Router has a subscriber drop the video stream when connectivity degrades and then resume the video stream if the stream quality improves.

    This feature is only available in sessions that use the Vonage Video API Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed.

  • "subscribeToVideo" — The subscriber started or stopped subscribing to video, by calling subscribeToVideo(false).