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otc_subscriber_rtc_stats_report_cb Struct Reference

#include <subscriber.h>

Data Fields

void * user_data
void(* on_rtc_stats_report )(otc_subscriber *subscriber, void *user_data, const char *json_array_of_reports)
void * reserved

Detailed Description

Defines the struct for setting the subcriber RTC stats report callack.

See also

Field Documentation

◆ on_rtc_stats_report

void(* on_rtc_stats_report) (otc_subscriber *subscriber, void *user_data, const char *json_array_of_reports)

Defines the callback function for getting subscriber RTC stats reports.

subscriberThe instance invoking this call.
user_dataPointer to user custom data bound to this struct.
json_array_of_reportsArray of RTC stats reports for the subscriber's stream. The structure of the JSON array is similar to the format of the RtcStatsReport object implemented in web browsers (see Mozilla docs). Also see this W3C documentation.

Here is a partial sample:

         "audioLevel": 0,
         "id": "RTCAudioSource_1",
         "kind": "audio",
         "timestamp": 1603448671532842,
         "totalAudioEnergy": 0,
         "totalSamplesDuration": 4.249999999999954,
         "trackIdentifier": "4nP5yeIDzbUm6IJho5jkTps1lnfabsFvTXjH00",
         "type": "media-source"
"MIIBFjCB...QIhAMIfr/NgvhNp16zaoHxGQGrID1STFmBSSSB4V1bxBrTU", "fingerprint":
"E7:5F:...:FA:5A:1F:A7:E0:55:60", "fingerprintAlgorithm": "sha-256", "id":
"RTCCertificate_E7:5F:E5...F:1D:FA:5A:1F:A7:E0:55:60", "timestamp":
1603448671532842, "type": "certificate"
         "channels": 1,
         "clockRate": 8000,
         "id": "RTCCodec_audio_Inbound_0",
         "mimeType": "audio/PCMU",
         "payloadType": 0,
         "timestamp": 1603448671532842,
         "type": "codec"
         "channels": 2,
         "clockRate": 48000,
         "id": "RTCCodec_audio_Inbound_111",
         "mimeType": "audio/opus",
         "payloadType": 111,
         "sdpFmtpLine": "minptime=10;useinbandfec=1",
         "timestamp": 1603448671532842,
         "type": "codec"

◆ user_data

void* user_data

Pointer to user custom data bound to this struct.