The OpenTok signaling API lets clients send text messages to other clients connected to the OpenTok session. You can send a signal message to a specific client, or you can send a message to every client connected to the session.
To follow this tutorial:
git clone
to the Signaling subdirectory of the project, and then run
pod install
string to
the base URL of the server that implements the
project. This server provides OpenTok session ID and tokens to the iOS sample app.
For more information, see
Setting up your server.
To send text chat messages between two clients connected to the OpenTok session, you can run the app in the XCode Simulator and in an iOS device.
The archiving sample builds upon the Basic-Video-Chat sample, and it adds the following functionality:
Tap in the text chat input field (labeled "Tap here to send a chat message."), enter a text chat message and tap the Return button.
The text chat message is sent to other clients connected to the OpenTok session. You can also send a chat message from the other clients to the iOS client.
When the user enters text in the text chat input text field, the [self sendChatMessage:]
method is called:
- (void) sendChatMessage
OTError* error = nil;
[_session signalWithType:@"chat"
connection:nil error:&error];
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Signal error: %@", error);
} else {
NSLog(@"Signal sent: %@", _chatInputTextField.text);
_chatTextInputView.text = @"";
This method calls the [OTSession signalWithType:string:connection:]
method. This
method sends a message to clients connected to the OpenTok session. Each signal is
defined by a type
string identifying the type of message (in this case "chat")
and a string containing the message.
When another client connected to the session sends
a message, the implementation of the
[OTSessionDelegate session:receivedSignalType:fromConnection:withString:]
method is called:
- (void)session:(OTSession*)session receivedSignalType:(NSString*)type fromConnection:(OTConnection*)connection withString:(NSString*)string {
NSLog(@"Received signal %@", string);
Boolean fromSelf = NO;
if ([connection.connectionId isEqualToString:session.connection.connectionId]) {
fromSelf = YES;
[self logSignalString:string fromSelf:fromSelf];
This method checks to see if the signal was sent by the local iOS client or by another client connected to the session:
Boolean fromSelf = NO;
if ([connection.connectionId isEqualToString:session.connection.connectionId]) {
fromSelf = YES;
The session
argument represents your client's OTSession object. The OTSession object has
a connection
property with a connectionId
property. The connection
argument represents
the connection of client sending the message. If these match, the signal was sent by the
local iOS app.
The method calls the [self logSignalString:]
method which displays the message string in
the text view for chat messages received.
This app uses the OpenTok signaling API to implement text chat. However, you can use the signaling API to send messages to other clients (individually or collectively) connected to the session.
Congratulations! You've finished the Text Chat Tutorial for iOS.
You can continue to play with and adjust the code you've developed here, or check out the Next Steps below. For more information on signaling, see the OpenTok signaling developer
When you're finished here, continue building and enhancing your OpenTok application with these helpful resources: