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Add Messaging, Voice, and Authentication to your apps with Vonage Communications APIs

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Enterprise environment

The Enterprise environment ensures your application runs on Vonage Video API media services that are dedicated to the Enterprise environment. Vonage release management processes ensure our latest software is always validated in our Standard environment, before the Enterprise environment is upgraded, to minimize impact of change. As a dedicated environment, the Enterprise environment also protects against platform load spikes and offers longer support duration for client SDKs.

Using the Enterprise environment may mean delayed access to cutting-edge features for production use, but you will always have full access to the Standard environment for development and testing the latest available features.

Using the Enterprise environment

The Enterprise environment available as an add-on feature.

To get started using the Video API Enterprise environment, you will need to do the following:

By default, all newly created project keys are assigned to the Standard environment. You must specifically request a project key be assigned to the Enterprise environment environment if you would like to use it with an application running in the Enterprise environment. Release notes and download links to Enterprise versions of the mobile SDKs are not readily available on the Vonage Video API developer center. If you need assistance accessing these please contact us.

If you should stop paying for the Enterprise environment add-on, you will lose access to the Enterprise environment and your projects will be automatically assigned back to the Standard environment. It will be your responsibility to update your applications with a supported version of the Vonage Video SDK.

Many users of the Enterprise environment find it useful to keep one or more projects assigned to the Standard environment, where they can conduct development and testing of new features with the Standard environment clients before they are deployed to projects using the Enterprise enterprise environment.

Supported versions

Vonage recognizes that it is not always practical for customers to update the client SDKs each time a new release is issued. We typically limit minor releases to no more than once every 4 months but they are not done in predetermined fixed increments. A minor release is represented by an increment to the digit to the right of the first decimal point in a release version number. Patch releases contain bug fixes and are released as needed. A patch release is represented by an increment to the digit to the right of the second decimal point in a release version number.

Vonage officially supports Video API Client SDK versions as follows:

Enterprise environment

All Video API client SDKs are supported for at least twelve months from the date of release. Support is provided for the most recent patch release of each version.

Support SDK version Deprecation date
v2.27 March 7, 2025
v2.26 October 11, 2024
v2.25 May 16, 2024
v2.24 December 12, 2023

Standard environment

All Video client SDKs are supported for at least nine months from the date of release. Support is provided for the most recent patch release of each version.

Support SDK version Deprecation date
v2.27 September 24, 2024
v2.26 May 18, 2024
v2.25 April 4, 2024
v2.24 August 9, 2023

Vonage prides itself on shielding our partner application developers from changes to the WebRTC ecosystem of technology. This includes:

When external changes require Vonage to make changes to our SDKs, it may become necessary for partners to accelerate their adoption of newer SDK versions to maintain proper operation of their applications with these new WebRTC ecosystem components.

Note: The Allowed IP list add-on (formerly IP whitelisting) requires that you use the Enterprise environment. See the Allowed IP list developer guide.