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Publishing streams — Web

Once you have connected to a session, you can publish a stream that other clients connected to the session can view.

This topic includes the following sections:

Publishing a stream

To publish a stream, add an OTPublisher component as a child of the OTSession object:

  apiKey="the API key"
  sessionId="the session ID"
  token="the token">

The publisher starts streaming when the client connects to the session. The OTPublisher object dispatches a streamCreated event when it starts streaming to the session. It dispatches an error event if there is an error publishing. Set an eventHandlers prop of the OTPublisher component, and set the streamCreated and error properties of that object to callback functions:

  streamCreated: () => {
    console.log('The publisher started streaming.');
  error: event => {
    console.log('Publisher error:', event);

Checking whether a client has publish capabilities

Once you have connected to a session, you can check if the client can publish. Set a reference to the OTSession object, and call its getCapabilites() method in the sessionConnected event handler. This method returns a promise with an object that includes a canPublish property. You can then conditionally publish based on that value:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import {OTSession, OTPublisher, OTSubscriber} from 'opentok-react-native';

class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.apiKey = 'your API key';
    this.sessionId = 'a session ID';
    this.token = 'a valid token';
    this.state = {canPublish: false};

    this.sessionEventHandlers = {
      sessionConnected: event => {
        this.session.getCapabilities().then(capabilities => {
          this.setState({canPublish: capabilities.canPublish});

  render() {
    return (
          ref={instance => {
            this.session = instance;
          {this.state.canPublish ? (
          ) : null}

export default App;

To publish, the client must connect to the session with a token that is assigned a role that supports publishing.

Setting the camera used by the publisher

You can have the publisher use the rear-facing camera of the device by setting a properties prop of the OTPublisher component and setting the cameraPosition property of that object to "back":

    cameraPosition: 'back',

Note that you can also publish a screen-sharing stream — one in which the source is the client's screen, not a camera. For details, see Screen sharing.

Stopping a publisher from streaming to a session

You can stop publisher from streaming to the session by unmounting it (removing it from the parent OTSession component). For example, the following code unpublishes a stream after 30 seconds:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import {OTSession, OTPublisher} from 'opentok-react-native';

class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.apiKey = 'your-api-key';
    this.sessionId = 'valid-session-id';
    this.token = 'valid-token';
    this.publisherOptions = {
      publishCaptions: true,
      publishVideo: true,
      publishAudio: false,
    this.state = {
      publishing: true,
    this.publisherEventHandlers = {
      streamCreated: event => {
          function () {
            this.setState({publishing: false});

  render() {
    return (
          {this.state.publishing ? (
              ref={instance => {
                this.publisher = instance;
          ) : null}

export default App;

Note that you can individually stop sending video or audio (while still publishing). For more information, see Adjusting audio and video.

Detecting when a published stream leaves a session

The OTPublisher object dispatches a streamDestroyed event when it stops streaming to the session:

    streamDestroyed: function() {
      console.log('The publisher stopped streaming.');

Getting statistics about a publisher's stream

The OTPublisher audioNetworkStats and audioNetworkStats events provide an array of objects defining the current audio or video statistics for the publisher. For a publisher in a routed session (one that uses the OpenTok Media Router), these event arrays each include one object, defining the statistics for the audio or video that is sent to the OpenTok Media Router. In a relayed session, the array includes an object for each subscriber to the published stream. Each object in the array has the following properties:

Additionally, for a publisher in a relayed session, each object in the array contains the following two properties:

The following code logs these stats for the publisher's stream every second:

    audioNetworkStats: event => {
      console.log('publisher audioNetworkStats event', event);
    videoNetworkStats: event => {
      console.log('publisher videoNetworkStats event', event);

To get more detailed stream statics, use the OTPublisher.getRtcStatsReport() method. Calling this method results in the OTPublisher instance dispatching an rtcStatsReport event:

    streamCreated: event => {
      console.log('publisher streamCreated', event);
      setTimeout(() => this.publisher.getRtcStatsReport(), 12000)
    rtcStatsReport: event => {
      console.log('publisher rtcStatsReport event', event);

For a publisher in a routed session, event array includes one object, defining the stats of the stream sent to the OpenTok Media Router. In a relayed session, the array includes an object defining the RTC Stats Reports for each subscriber to the published stream. Each object in the array has a jsonArrayOfReports property that includes the data. The structure of the JSON array is similar to the format of the RtcStatsReport object implemented in web browsers (see the Mozilla docs). Also see this W3C documentation.

Applying filters and effects to published video

You can apply video filters to published video — see this topic.

Setting video content hints to improve video perfomance in certain situations

You can set a video content hint to improve the quality and performance of a published video. This can be useful in certain situations:

This tells the client to use encoding or processing methods more appropriate to the type of content you specify.

Set the videoContentHint property of OTPublisher properties prop:

    videoContentHint: 'text',

Set the video content hint to one of the following values:

With the "text" and "detailed" content hints, the client attempts to maintain high resolution, even if it must reduce the video frame rate. For the "motion" content hint, the client reduces resolution to prevent the frame rate from stalling.

You can read more about these options in the W3C Working Draft.

If you can accept a slow frame rate, you may also consider restricting the frame rate of subscribed streams.

Other audio and video options

See the developer guide for Adjusting audio and video.