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session.h File Reference

OpenTok Session. More...

#include "capabilities.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "publisher.h"
#include "subscriber.h"
#include "stream.h"

Data Structures

struct  otc_session_capabilities
struct  otc_custom_ice_config
struct  otc_signal_options
struct  otc_session_callbacks




typedef struct otc_session otc_session
typedef struct otc_session_settings otc_session_settings


enum  otc_session_error_code {


otc_sessionotc_session_new (const char *apikey, const char *session_id, const struct otc_session_callbacks *callbacks)
otc_session_settingsotc_session_settings_new (void)
otc_status otc_session_settings_set_connection_events_suppressed (otc_session_settings *settings, otc_bool suppress)
otc_status otc_session_settings_set_custom_ice_config (otc_session_settings *settings, const struct otc_custom_ice_config *custom_ice_config)
otc_status otc_session_settings_set_proxy_url (otc_session_settings *settings, const char *proxy_url)
otc_status otc_session_settings_set_ip_whitelist (otc_session_settings *settings, otc_bool ip_whitelist)
otc_status otc_session_settings_set_single_peer_connection (otc_session_settings *settings, otc_bool enable)
 Enables or disables Single Peer Connection (SPC) for a session. More...
otc_status otc_session_settings_delete (otc_session_settings *settings)
otc_sessionotc_session_new_with_settings (const char *apikey, const char *session_id, const struct otc_session_callbacks *callbacks, otc_session_settings *settings)
otc_status otc_session_delete (otc_session *session)
otc_status otc_session_connect (otc_session *session, const char *token)
otc_status otc_session_disconnect (otc_session *session)
otc_status otc_session_publish (otc_session *session, otc_publisher *publisher)
otc_status otc_session_unpublish (otc_session *session, otc_publisher *publisher)
otc_status otc_session_subscribe (otc_session *session, otc_subscriber *subscriber)
otc_status otc_session_unsubscribe (otc_session *session, otc_subscriber *subscriber)
otc_status otc_session_send_signal (otc_session *session, const char *type, const char *signal)
otc_status otc_session_force_mute_all (otc_session *session, const char **excluded_streams_ids, const int excluded_streams_len)
otc_status otc_session_disable_force_mute (otc_session *session)
otc_status otc_session_force_mute_stream (const otc_session *session, const char *stream_id_to_mute)
otc_status otc_session_send_signal_to_connection (otc_session *session, const char *type, const char *signal, const otc_connection *connection)
otc_status otc_session_send_signal_with_options (otc_session *session, const char *type, const char *signal, struct otc_signal_options signal_options)
otc_status otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options (otc_session *session, const char *type, const char *signal, const otc_connection *connection, struct otc_signal_options signal_options)
otc_status otc_session_report_issue (struct otc_session *session, const char *issue_description, char **issue_id)
char * otc_session_get_id (const otc_session *session)
otc_connectionotc_session_get_connection (const otc_session *session)
struct otc_session_capabilities otc_session_get_capabilities (const otc_session *session)
void * otc_session_get_user_data (const otc_session *session)
otc_status otc_session_set_encryption_secret (otc_session *session, const char *secret)
 Sets the end-to-end encryption secret that will be used by all publishers and subscribers in the session. More...

Detailed Description

OpenTok Session.

This file includes the type definition for an OpenTok session along with several function declarations useful when dealing with a session.

Typedef Documentation

◆ otc_session

typedef struct otc_session otc_session

OpenTok session type definition.

◆ otc_session_settings

OpenTok session settings type definition.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ otc_session_error_code

Error code enumeration for OpenTok sessions.

This enumeration represents several error codes associated with a session.


An invalid API key or token was provided.


Unable to connect to the session. Terms of service violation: export compliance.


The connection to the OpenTok messaging server was dropped.


Connecting to the session failed.


The client tried to connect to a session that has exceeded the limit for simultaneous connections.


A socket could not be opened to the messaging server. Check that outbound ports 443 and 8080 are accessible.


The connection timed out while attempting to connect to the session


Invalid stream.


A method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time for this session. For example, attempting to connect an already connected session will return this error.


Thread dispatch failure, out of memory, parse error, etc.


An invalid session ID was provided.


You attempted to send a signal with an invalid type.


The session is not connected, and the requested action requires an active session connection.


No messaging server is available for this session.


A parameter passed in is null or invalid.


The publisher is unknown to this session. This is usually the result of attempting to unpublish a publisher that is not associated with the session.


You attempted to send a signal with a data string that is greater than the maximum length (8KB).


You attempted to send a signal with a type string that is greater than the maximum length.


The connection timed out while attempting to get the session’s state.


The subscriber is unknown to this session. This is usually the result of attempting to unsubscribe a subscriber that is not associated with the session.


Unexpected response.


Tried to join an end-to-end encrypted session without an encryption secret.


Tried to join an end-to-end encrypted session without an encryption secret.

Function Documentation

◆ otc_session_connect()

otc_status otc_session_connect ( otc_session session,
const char *  token 

Connects the client to an OpenTok session.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session to connect to.
tokenThe client token for connecting to the session. See Token Creation Overview.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_delete()

otc_status otc_session_delete ( otc_session session)

Releases resources associated with the session.

sessionThe otc_session instance.

◆ otc_session_disable_force_mute()

otc_status otc_session_disable_force_mute ( otc_session session)

Disables the active mute state of the session. After you call this method, new streams published to the session will no longer have audio muted.

After you call the otc_session_force_mute_all() function (or a moderator in another client makes a call to mute all streams), any streams published after the moderation call are published with audio muted. Call the otc_session_disable_force_mute function to remove the mute state of a session (so that new published streams are not automatically muted).

Calling this function causes the otc_session_callback.on_mute_forced() callback function to be called in each client connected to the session, with the active property of the otc_on_mute_forced_info struct passed into the function set to OTC_FALSE.

Call the otc_session_get_capabilities function to see if the client can call this function successfully. This is reserved for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned the moderator role (see the Token creation overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_disconnect()

otc_status otc_session_disconnect ( otc_session session)

Disconnects the client from this session. All of the client's subscribers and publishers will also be will be disconnected from the session. As a best practice, before calling this function, call the otc_session_unpublish function for all publishers and wait for the otc_publisher_callbacks#on_stream_destroyed callback. This ensures the complete removal of publishers, especially if network connectivity issues prevent removal due to the reconnection feature, which may keep publisher streams alive for potential reconnection.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session to disconnect from.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_force_mute_all()

otc_status otc_session_force_mute_all ( otc_session session,
const char **  excluded_streams_ids,
const int  excluded_streams_len 

Forces all publishers in the session (except for those publishing excluded streams) to mute audio.

Also, any streams that are published after the call to the otc_session_force_mute_all function are published with audio muted. You can remove the mute state of a session by calling the otc_session_disable_force_mute function. After you call the otc_session_disable_force_mute function, new streams published to the session will no longer have audio muted.

Calling this function causes the otc_session_callback.on_mute_forced() callback function to be called in each client connected to the session, with the active property of the otc_on_mute_forced_info struct passed into the function set to OTC_TRUE. Also, the otc_publisher_callbacks.on_publisher_mute_forced() callback function is called in each client publishing a muted stream.

Call the otc_session_get_capabilities function to see if the client can call this function successfully. This is reserved for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned the moderator role (see the (see the Token creation overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
excluded_streams_idsA pointer to an array of stream ID strings for the streams to be muted. Set this to nullptr to mute all streams in the session (including those published by the local client).
excluded_streams_lenThe length of the excluded stream array.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_force_mute_stream()

otc_status otc_session_force_mute_stream ( const otc_session session,
const char *  stream_id_to_mute 

Forces the publisher of a specified stream to mute its audio.

Calling this function causes the otc_publisher_callbacks.on_publisher_mute_forced() callback function to be called in the client publishing the muted stream.

Call the otc_session_get_capabilities function to see if the client can call this function successfully. This is reserved for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned the moderator role (see the (see the Token creation overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
stream_id_to_muteThe stream ID string for the stream to be muted.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_get_capabilities()

struct otc_session_capabilities otc_session_get_capabilities ( const otc_session session)

Gets the capabilities of the client connecxted to the session. All otc_session_capabilities members are undefined until otc_session_callbacks.on_connected has been called.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
The otc_session_capabilities instance.

◆ otc_session_get_connection()

otc_connection* otc_session_get_connection ( const otc_session session)

Gets the connection object associated with this session.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
The otc_connection instance.

◆ otc_session_get_id()

char* otc_session_get_id ( const otc_session session)

Gets the unique session ID for this session.

◆ otc_session_get_user_data()

void* otc_session_get_user_data ( const otc_session session)

Gets the user data associated with the session. See otc_session_callbacks.user_data.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ otc_session_new()

otc_session* otc_session_new ( const char *  apikey,
const char *  session_id,
const struct otc_session_callbacks callbacks 

Creates a new otc_session struct instance. Pass this into the otc_session_connect function to connect to the OpenTok session.

See also otc_session_new_with_settings for initializing a otc_session struct with advanced options.

apikeyThe API key for the OpenTok project. See See your Vonage Video API account page.

Important: If you are using the Video API with a Vonage application (instead of an OpenTok project), pass in the application ID (not an OpenTok API key) for this parameter.

session_idThe session ID.
callbacksThe otc_session_callbacks structure containing callback functions for events related to the session.
The otc_session struct, representing the OpenTok session.

◆ otc_session_new_with_settings()

otc_session* otc_session_new_with_settings ( const char *  apikey,
const char *  session_id,
const struct otc_session_callbacks callbacks,
otc_session_settings settings 

Creates a new OpenTok session with advanced settings. These include settings for suppressing connection events, custom TURN servers, the IP proxy feature, and the IP whitelist feature.

apikeyThe API key for the OpenTok project. See See your Vonage Video API account page.
session_idThe session ID.
callbacksThe otc_session_callbacks structure containing callback functions for events related to the session.
settingsThe otc_session_settings struct With advanced settings for the session.
The struct, representing the OpenTok session.
See also

◆ otc_session_publish()

otc_status otc_session_publish ( otc_session session,
otc_publisher publisher 

Starts a publisher streaming to the session.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session to publish to.
publisherThe otc_publisher struct representing the publisher.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_report_issue()

otc_status otc_session_report_issue ( struct otc_session session,
const char *  issue_description,
char **  issue_id 

Report that your app experienced an issue. You can use the issue ID with the Inspector tool or when discussing an issue with the Vonage Video API support team.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
issue_descriptionA description string.
issue_idA pointer to a string that will be set the unique identifier for the reported issue.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_send_signal()

otc_status otc_session_send_signal ( otc_session session,
const char *  type,
const char *  signal 

Sends a signal to all clients connected to the session. See otc_session_send_signal_with_options, otc_session_send_signal_to_connection, and otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options. Also see the Signaling overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
typeThe optional type string value for the signal.
signalThe optional data string value for the signal.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_send_signal_to_connection()

otc_status otc_session_send_signal_to_connection ( otc_session session,
const char *  type,
const char *  signal,
const otc_connection connection 

Sends a signal to a specific client connected to the session. See otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options, otc_session_send_signal, and otc_session_send_signal_with_options. Also see the Signaling overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
typeThe optional type string value for the signal.
signalThe optional data string value for the signal.
connectionThe otc_connection struct corresponding to the client to receive the signal.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options()

otc_status otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options ( otc_session session,
const char *  type,
const char *  signal,
const otc_connection connection,
struct otc_signal_options  signal_options 

Sends a signal to a specific client, with specified options. See otc_session_send_signal, otc_session_send_signal_to_connection, and otc_session_send_signal_with_options. Also see the Signaling overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
typeThe optional type string value for the signal.
signalThe optional data string value for the signal.
connectionThe otc_connection struct corresponding to the client to receive the signal.
signal_optionsThe otc_signal_options struct with options for the signal.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_send_signal_with_options()

otc_status otc_session_send_signal_with_options ( otc_session session,
const char *  type,
const char *  signal,
struct otc_signal_options  signal_options 

Sends a signal to all clients connected to the session, with specified options. See otc_session_send_signal, otc_session_send_signal_to_connection, and otc_session_send_signal_to_connection_with_options. Also see the Signaling overview.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
typeThe optional type string value for the signal.
signalThe optional data string value for the signal.
signal_optionsThe otc_signal_options struct with options for the signal.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_set_encryption_secret()

otc_status otc_session_set_encryption_secret ( otc_session session,
const char *  secret 

Sets the end-to-end encryption secret that will be used by all publishers and subscribers in the session.

See the End-to-end encryption developer guide.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session.
[in]secretValue for the encryption secret.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_settings_delete()

otc_status otc_session_settings_delete ( otc_session_settings settings)

Deletes an otc_session_settings instance.

◆ otc_session_settings_new()

otc_session_settings* otc_session_settings_new ( void  )

Creates a new otc_session_settings instance, used to set up advanced session settings. Call the following functions to configure these settings before calling the otc_session_new_with_settings function to create a session with these settings:

◆ otc_session_settings_set_connection_events_suppressed()

otc_status otc_session_settings_set_connection_events_suppressed ( otc_session_settings settings,
otc_bool  suppress 

Prevent connection events, to support large interactive video sessions. This prevents otc_session_callbacks.on_connection_created and otc_session_callbacks.on_connection_dropped callback functions from being invoked when other clients connect to or disconnect from the session. (Also, the OpenTok server does not send these events to the client.) For more information, see Suppressing connection events in the OpenTok developer guides.

◆ otc_session_settings_set_custom_ice_config()

otc_status otc_session_settings_set_custom_ice_config ( otc_session_settings settings,
const struct otc_custom_ice_config custom_ice_config 

Enables custom ICE sever configuration. This is part of the configurable TURN feature.

◆ otc_session_settings_set_ip_whitelist()

otc_status otc_session_settings_set_ip_whitelist ( otc_session_settings settings,
otc_bool  ip_whitelist 

Pass in OTC_TRUE to have the client use the IP address white list. This feature is available as an add-on feature.

◆ otc_session_settings_set_proxy_url()

otc_status otc_session_settings_set_proxy_url ( otc_session_settings settings,
const char *  proxy_url 

Sets the IP proxy URL. See the IP Proxy developer guide.

◆ otc_session_settings_set_single_peer_connection()

otc_status otc_session_settings_set_single_peer_connection ( otc_session_settings settings,
otc_bool  enable 

Enables or disables Single Peer Connection (SPC) for a session.

Single Peer Connection (SPC) is a feature that encapsulates all subscriber connections to a single peer connection. The benefits of enabling SPC include reduced OS resource consumption, improved rate control, and, in case of mobile native devices, support for larger sessions.

SPC is disabled by default. When disabled, the session will use Multiple Peer Connection (MPC), where a separate peer connection is established between each endpoint.

settingsPointer to the session settings object.
enableBoolean flag to enable (OTC_TRUE) or disable (OTC_FALSE) SPC.
otc_status Returns the status of the operation.

◆ otc_session_subscribe()

otc_status otc_session_subscribe ( otc_session session,
otc_subscriber subscriber 

Starts subscribing to (receiving a stream for) a subscriber's audio-video stream in this session.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session containing the subscriber's stream.
subscriberThe otc_subscriber struct representing the subscriber.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_unpublish()

otc_status otc_session_unpublish ( otc_session session,
otc_publisher publisher 

Causes a publisher from a session (causing its stream to stop).

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session to unpublish from.
publisherThe otc_publisher struct representing the publisher.
Return value indicating either error or success.

◆ otc_session_unsubscribe()

otc_status otc_session_unsubscribe ( otc_session session,
otc_subscriber subscriber 

Stops subscribing to (receiving a stream for) a specified subscriber in the session.

sessionThe otc_session struct representing the OpenTok session containing the subscriber's stream.
subscriberThe otc_subscriber struct representing the subscriber.
Return value indicating either error or success.