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Vonage Video Express

Getting Started

Vonage Video Express is a JavaScript library to quickly create a multiparty video conference web application. It works on top of the Vonage Video API for JavaScript.

Important notes:

Before using Video Express, be sure to activate the Video Express add-on for your account.

  1. Go to your Video API Account and click Account Settings in the left-hand menu.
  2. In the list of Account add-ons, find Video Express and click Add to account. Then follow the remaining instructions to enable the add-on.

Vonage Video Express 1.0 currently supports 25 simultaneous participants in a room. If you add more than 25 people in a session, you will need to ensure that participants’ network and hardware performance is sufficient.

A Quick Start

  1. Install the Video Express package:
  1. Currently, Vonage Video Express doesn't include a default UI. So you will need to add CSS to style the room components in your app:

For a quick start, copy the video-express-styles.css file and include it in your head section:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/video-express-styles.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
  1. Add a div element within the body section. This will be the room container. The SDK will append all of its DOM components within this container:
  <div id="roomContainer"></div>
  1. Use this code snippet to create a room and to join the video conference. To create the room object, you will need to provide your OpenTok API key, an OpenTok session ID, and a token for the session:
<script type="text/javascript">
  const room = new VideoExpress.Room({
    apiKey: '', // add your OpenTok API key
    sessionId: '', // add your OpenTok Session ID
    token: '', // add your OpenTok token
    roomContainer: 'roomContainer',


See the OpenTok developer guides on Session Creation and Token Creation.

More resources

See the Video Express API reference and developer guide.

And see these sample apps on GitHub: