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Migrating from version 1.0 of the OpenTok.js library

The latest version of the OpenTok.js library uses WebRTC instead of Adobe Flash for audio-video communications. This guide assists you in migrating your website from version 1.0 to the latest version of the OpenTok.js library.

The latest OpenTok.js library interacts with the apps using the following OpenTok libraries:

If you are migrating code from version 2.0, see this page.

Loading the latest OpenTok.js library

Set the src attribute of the script tag to the following URL to load the latest version of the OpenTok.js library:

<script src=""></script>

Session creation and media modes

You must create new sessions for use in the new OpenTok.js library. Sessions that were previously used in OpenTok 1.0 cannot be used in the latest version of OpenTok.

In version 1.0, streams were either sent directly between clients (peer-to-peer) or using the OpenTok Media Router. When you created a session for version 1.0, using one of the OpenTok server SDKs, you set a p2p.preference parameter to "enabled" or "disabled". This changes in the latest version of OpenTok.

Now when you create a session, you specify how clients in the session will send audio-video streams, known as the media mode. There are two options:

Note: In the new versions of the OpenTok server SDKs, the default media mode is relayed. (In earlier versions, the default was to use the OpenTok Media Router.)

<script src=""></script>

Migrating to the latest version of the OpenTok.js library

Important: The latest OpenTok.js library includes changes that are not compatible with OpenTok.js 1.0. This section shows you how to adapt existing code to work with the latest OpenTok.js library.

Removed API

The following classes, properties, methods, and events from version 1.0 are not included in the latest version of OpenTok.js.

Camera Replaced by the videoSource property of the properties parameter of the OT.initPublisher() method.
Capabilities.publishH264 Not in OpenTok.js version 2. WebRTC does not support h.264 video.
Connection.quality Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
DeviceEvent Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
DeviceManager See the videoSource parameter of the properties parameter of the OT.initPublisher() method.
DevicePanel See the videoSource and audioSource properties of the properties parameter of the OT.initPublisher() method.
DeviceStatusEvent Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
IssueReportedEvent Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Microphone Replaced by the audioSource property of the properties parameter of OT.initPublisher().
Publisher.replaceElementId Replaced by the Publisher.element property.
Publisher.detectDevices() Replaced by OT.getDevices().
Publisher.detectMicActivity() Audio level API coming soon to version 2.
Publisher.disableMicrophone() Replaced by Publisher.publishAudio(false).
Publisher.enableMicrophone() Replaced by Publisher.publishAudio(true).
Publisher.getEchoCancelationMode() Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2, which has echo cancellation built in.
Publisher.getMicrophoneGain() Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Publisher.setCamera() Replaced the videoSource property of the properties parameter of OT.initPublisher().
Publisher.setMicrophone() Replaced the audioSource property of the properties parameter of OT.initPublisher().
Publisher.setMicrophoneGain() Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Publisher deviceInactive event Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Publisher devicesDetected event Replaced by OT.getDevices().
Publisher echoCancellationModeChanged event Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2, which has echo cancellation built in.
Publisher invalidDeviceName event Replaced by an error if you call OT.initPublisher() and specify an invalid videoSource property of the properties parameter.
Publisher microphoneActivityLevel event A replacement API will be available soon.
Publisher microphoneGainChanged event Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2.
Publisher resize event Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2.
Publisher settingsButtonClick event Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2.
ResizeEvent Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2.
Session.cleanUp() Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Session.subscribe() properties.audioEnabled Replaced with Session.subscribe() properties.subscribeToAudio.
Session.subscribe() properties.wMode Does not apply in OpenTok.js version 2.
Session microphoneLevelChanged event Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Session signalReceived event Replace with the Session signal event.
SignalEvent.fromConnection Renamed SignalEvent.from.
Stream.quality Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
StateManager Not in OpenTok.js version 2.
Stream.type Does not apply in OpenTok version 2.
Subscriber.disableAudio() Replaced with Subscriber.subscribeToAudio(false).
Subscriber.enableAudio() Replaced with Subscriber.subscribeToAudio(true).
TB.initDeviceManager() Replaced with OT.getDevices().
TB.initPublisher() properties.cameraName Replaced with TB.initPublisher() properties.videoSource.
TB.initPublisher() properties.encodedHeight Replaced with TB.initPublisher() properties.resolution.
TB.initPublisher() properties.encodedWidth Replaced with TB.initPublisher() properties.resolution.
TB.initPublisher() properties.microphoneEnabled Replaced with TB.initPublisher() properties.publishAudio.
TB.initPublisher() properties.microphoneGain Not in OpenTok version 2.
TB.initPublisher() properties.microphoneName Replaced with TB.initPublisher() properties.audioSource.
TB.initPublisher() properties.rememberDeviceAccess Does not apply in OpenTok version 2.
TB.initPublisher() properties.reportMicLevels New API coming soon to OpenTok version 2.
TB.initPublisher() Not in OpenTok version 2.
TB.initPublisher() Does not apply in OpenTok version 2.
TB.initPublisher() properties.wmode Does not apply in OpenTok version 2.
TB.reportIssue() Not in OpenTok version 2.
TB issueReported event Not in OpenTok version 2.


ConnectionEvent.connections Replaced by the ConnectionEvent.connection property. See Changes to stream and connection events.
TB This has been renamed OT (for OpenTok). See The OT object.
SessionConnectEvent Use the completion handler for the Session.connect() method. See Completion handlers for methods.
StreamEvent.streams Replaced by the property. See Changes to stream and connection events.

The OT object

The TB object has been renamed OT (for OpenTok). Note also that the URL for the OpenTok.js library now points to the opentok.min.js file:

<script src=""></script>

However, for backward compatibility, the JavaScript TB object will still work, and the TB.min.js URL will still work.

Connecting to a session

In the latest version of the OpenTok.js library, you pass your API key into the OT.initSession() method (as the first parameter):

var session = OT.initSession(apiKey, sessionId);
session.connect(token, function(error) {
  if (!error) {
    var publisher OT.initPublisher();

Note that the Session.connect() method and the OT.initPublisher() method do not take an API key as a parameter, since you pass the API key into the OT.initSession() method. (However, the old syntax is still supported.)

Breaking changes

We have tried to maintain backward compatibility with version 1.0 of the OpenTok JavaScript library. However, some of the API changes require some code changes for apps ported from version 1.0.

Changes to stream events for streams published by your client

The Session object does not dispatch streamCreated events for streams your own client publishes. To detect when a stream is created for your Publisher, add a completion handler for the Session.publish() method:

var publisher = session.publish(publisher, properties, function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.log("Failed to publish.")
  } else {
    console.log("Stream publishing.")

The Publisher object also dispatches a streamCreated event for the stream it publishes.

Additionally, the Publisher object (not the Session object) now dispatches streamDestroyed events for the stream it publishes. If you want to retain the Publisher in the HTML DOM (for reuse), call the preventDefault() method in the event listener for the streamDestroyed event dispatched by the Publisher:

publisher = OT.initPublisher(apiKey)
  .on("streamDestroyed", function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(); // This lets you reuse the Publisher.

Calling the preventDefault() method of the streamDestroyed and sessionDisconnected event objects dispatched by the Session object no longer prevents the Publisher object from being removed (as it did in version 1.0).

For more details, see Changes to stream and connection events.

Detecting initial streams and connections in a session

In the current OpenTok.js library, the connections and streams property of the sessionConnected event are deprecated, and they are set to empty arrays. The Session object dispatches connectionCreated and streamCreated events for each client and stream in the session, both when you connect and after you connect.

To detect if another client was in the session when you connect, compare the connection.creationTime property of the connectionCreated event object with the connection.creationTime property of the Session object:

session.on("connectionCreated", function(event) {
  if (event.connection.creationTime <= session.connection.creationTime) {
    console.log("Detected a client that connected before you.")

For more details, see Changes to stream and connection events.

Improved signaling API

In version 1.0, the Session.signal() method simply pings all clients connected to the session. The latest version of the OpenTok.js library introduces a new signaling API, with more capabilities. You can now include a data string in the signal, and you can signal the entire session or specific clients connected to the session. For details, see the JavaScript Signaling tutorial.

Other changes and new features

To learn about other changes and to start taking advantage of other new features, see New features.

New features


ArchiveEvent See Archiving.
ConnectionEvent.connection See Changes to stream and connection events.
OT See The OT object.
OT.initPublisher() properties.audioSource See Setting the camera and microphone used by the publisher.
OT.initPublisher() properties.frameRate See Intelligent quality control.
OT.initPublisher() properties.insertMode See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs.
OT.initPublisher() properties.resolution See Intelligent quality control.
OT.initPublisher() properties.videoSource See Setting the camera and microphone used by the publisher.
Publisher.accessAllowed See New Publisher.accessAllowed property.
Publisher.element See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs. See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs. See the Publisher class reference.
Publisher destroyed event See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs.
Publisher streamCreated event See Changes to stream and connection events.
Publisher streamDestroyed event See Changes to stream and connection events.
Session.subscribe() properties.insertMode See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs.
Session archiveStarted event See Archiving.
Session archiveStopped event See Archiving.
Session signal event See Signaling.
Session signal:type event See Signaling.
SignalEvent.from See Signaling. See Signaling.
Stream.frameRate See Intelligent quality control.
Stream.videoDimensions See Intelligent quality control. See Changes to stream and connection events.
Subscriber.element See Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs.

Intelligent quality control

The latest version of the OpenTok.js library adds features for setting recommended video resolution and frame rate for a published stream.

To set a recommended video resolution for a published stream, set the resolution property of the properties parameter you pass into the OT.initPublisher() method:

var publisherProperties = {resolution: "1280x720"};
var publisher = OT.initPublisher(apiKey, targetElement, publisherProperties);

This resolution property is a string, defining the desired resolution of the video. The format of the string is "widthxheight", where the width and height are represented in pixels. Valid values are "1280x720", "640x480", and "320x240".

The requested resolution of a video stream is set as the videoDimensions.width and videoDimensions.height properties of the Stream object.

The default resolution for a stream (if you do not specify a resolution) is 640x480 pixels. If the client system cannot support the resolution you requested, the the stream will use the next largest setting supported.

To set a recommended frame rate for a published stream, set the frameRate property of the properties parameter you pass into the OT.initPublisher() method:

var publisherProperties = {frameRate: 7};
var publisher = OT.initPublisher(apiKey, targetElement, publisherProperties);

Set the value to the the desired frame rate, in frames per second, of the video. Valid values are 30, 15, 7, and 1.

If the publisher specifies a frame rate, the actual frame rate of the video stream is set as the frameRate property of the Stream object, though the actual frame rate will vary based on changing network and system conditions. If the developer does not specify a frame rate, this property is undefined.

For sessions that use the OpenTok Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed), lowering the frame rate or lowering the resolution reduces the maximum bandwidth the stream can use. However, in sessions that have the media mode set to relayed, lowering the frame rate or resolution may not reduce the stream's bandwidth.

You can also restrict the frame rate of a Subscriber's video stream. To restrict the frame rate a Subscriber, call the restrictFrameRate() method of the subscriber, passing in true:


Pass in false and the frame rate of the video stream is not restricted:


When the frame rate is restricted, the Subscriber video frame will update once or less per second.

This feature is only available in sessions media mode set to routed, not in sessions with the media mode set to relayed. In relayed sessions, calling this method has no effect.

Restricting the subscriber frame rate has the following benefits:

Reducing a subscriber's frame rate has no effect on the frame rate of the video in other clients.

Finally, in sessions that use the OpenTok Media Router, a subscriber can drop to audio-only when the OpenTok Media Router determines that the client's network conditions do not support video. This feature was not available in OpenTok.js 1.0. In the latest OpenTok library, if the client's network connectivity improves enough to support video, the client dispatches a videoEnabled event, and the video resumes.

Completion handlers for methods

Some methods in the OpenTok.js library now include a new completionHandler parameter. For this optional parameter, you can pass in a function that is called when the method succeeds or fails.

For example the connect() method of a Session object now includes a completionHandler parameter. This is the last parameter of the method. This function takes one parameter — error. On success, the completionHandler function is not passed any arguments. On error, the function is passed an error object parameter. The error object has two properties: code (an integer) and message (a string), which identify the cause of the failure. The following code adds a completionHandler when calling the connect() method:

// Set apiKey and token to your API key and a token for the session.
session.connect(apiKey, token, function(error) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log("Connected to session.");

Note that upon connecting to the session, the Session object dispatches a sessionConnected event in addition to calling the completionHandler. However, the completionHandler in the OpenTok.js library provides a standard way for checking the success or failure of a method call.

The following methods each include a completionHander parameter, as the last parameter of the method:

Check the message property for more details about the error.

In the event of an error, the code value of the error parameter is set to an Error object. For more information, see the documentation of the OpenTok Error class.

New event registration methods

The OpenTok.js library now includes new methods — on(), once(), and off() — for adding and removing event listeners. These methods are added to each class that can dispatch an event:

The addEventListener() and removeEventListener() methods are deprecated. They are replaced by the new methods. The new methods have the following advantages:

Changes to stream and connection events

The OpenTok.js library now adds a number of improvements to events related to streams and clients being added to and leaving a session.

One item per StreamEvent or ConnectionEvent

In the latest OpenTok.js library, the ConnectionEvent class, which defines the connectionCreated and connectionDestroyed events, has a connection property, representing the single Connection created or destroyed. The connections property (from version 1.0) is deprecated.

Similarly, the StreamEvent class, which defines the streamCreated and streamDestroyed events, has a stream property, representing the single Stream created or destroyed. The streams property (from version 1.0) is deprecated.

So, to detect other clients and their streams in a session (when you first connect or afterwards), simply register event listeners for the connectionCreated and streamCreated events dispatched by the session object:

var connectionCount = 0;
    connectionCreated: function(event) {
      console.log("New client: " event.connection.connectionId);
      console.log("Clients in the session: " connectionCount);
    connectionDestroyed: function(event) {
      console.log("Client left the session: " event.connection.connectionId);
      console.log("Clients in the session: " connectionCount);
    streamCreated: function(event) {
      console.log("Stream created: ";
      // This is another client's stream, so you may want to subscribe to it.
    streamDestroyed: function(event) {
      console.log("Stream destroyed: ";
      // This is another client's stream leaving the session.
).connect(apiKey, token, function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.log("Failed to connect: " error.message);
  } else {

Deprecating streams and connections from the sessionConnected event

In version 2 of the OpenTok.js library, the connections and streams property of the sessionConnected event are deprecated, and they are set to empty arrays. In version 2, the Session object dispatches connectionCreated and streamCreated events for each client and stream in the session, both when you connect and after you connect.

To detect other clients that exist in a session when you connect, compare the connection.creationTime property of the connectionCreated event and compare it with the connection.creationTime property of the Session object:

session.on("connectionCreated", function(event) {
  if (event.connection.creationTime <= session.connection.creationTime) {
    console.log("Detected a client that connected before you.")

You can use the completion handler for the Session.connect() method instead of the sessionConnected event (as shown in the sample code).

Changes to events for streams you publish

In version 2 of the OpenTok.js library, a Publisher object (not the Session object) dispatches streamCreated and streamDestroyed events for streams it publishes.

publisher = OT.initPublisher(apiKey)
      streamCreated: function(event) {
        // The Publisher started streaming.
      streamDestroyed: function(event) {
        // The Publisher stopped streaming.

The Session object does not dispatch streamCreated events for streams your own client publishes. So, there is no need to check to see if this event corresponds to one of your own published streams. For example, if you want to subscribe to all third-party streams in the session, you can simply use the following code:

session.on("streamCreated", function(event) {

Preserving a Publisher object when its stream is destroyed

If you want to retain the Publisher in the HTML DOM (for reuse), call the preventDefault() method in the event listener for the streamDestroyed event dispatched by the Publisher:

publisher = OT.initPublisher(apiKey)
  .on("streamDestroyed", function(event){
    event.preventDefault(); // This lets you reuse the Publisher.

Calling the preventDefault() method of the sessionDisconnected event no longer causes a Publisher to be preserved.

Publisher and Subscriber DOM APIs

version 2 of the OpenTok.js library includes new APIs for Publisher and Subscriber insertion into and removal from the HTML DOM.

The insertMode property of the properties parameter of the OT.initPublisher() specifies how the Publisher object will be inserted in the HTML DOM, in relation to the targetElement parameter. You can set this parameter to one of the following values:

For example, the following code adds a new Publisher object as a child of a publisherContainer DOM element:

var publisherProperties = {insertMode: "append"};
var publisher = OT.initPublisher('publisher', publisherContainer, function(error) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log("Publisher initialized.");

Each Publisher and Subscriber object has an element property, which is set to the HTML DOM element containing the publisher or subscriber.

Each Publisher and Subscriber object dispatches a destroyed event when the object has been removed from the HTML DOM. In response to this event, you may choose to adjust (or remove) DOM elements related to the publisher or subscriber that was removed.

New Publisher.accessAllowed property

The new accessAllowed property indicates whether a client has granted access to the camera and microphone. In addition, the Publisher still dispatches accessAllowed and accessDenied events, as it did in version 1.0.